......sugar daddies are few and far between, I think we have to manage expectation. We currently have a hand to mouth existence dependent on a succession of good managers. What we need is investment and business savvy governance.
Is there anything positive to be found about these two?
What?Plenty mate.
anyone who take over us will be doing it purely as a business proposition, what we have to hope for is that the best way for them to make a sustainable profit is by making us successful on the field and off, if it happened and its not a leveraged buy out then for a start that is a huge sign it isn't going to be a asset strip
Wyness has never spilt beans in his life mate, you dont get a body like his by spilling beansIf the club is sold, watch the old employees come out the woodwork with the stories what went on in the past.
Keith Wyness will be the first to spill the beans.
I asked mate in San Diego should I be happy or sad at this possible development. He said we should run fast! Gulp.