First thing they'll spot is that we sell f-all merchandise and have very little match day corporate revenue
Has any football club ever had good american owners?
Not the books,the results.If they're doing due diligence now, surely they'll run a mile once they see the books.
Fairly certain that they only won their division (of 5 teams). Also, I think I read that under the ownership of Moores they finished bottom of that division more times than they actually won it.Didn't they win a title?
Wouldn't mind one here tbh
Didn't they win a title?
Wouldn't mind one here tbh
Probably gonna sign Clint Dempsey and bring Landon out of retirement FFS.
Man Utd
Liverpool ( hicks and Gillet)
Nothing wrong with what happened at Villa mate.You just know it's going to go all Aston Villa!
Think United can be deemed as a success. United's downfall has been down to Ferguson leaving. Only questionable bit for me is how they got the club, but in terms of money spent, can't really complain.
From the little bits I've read on both American rumours.
The Kansas City one sounded far more attractive.
So obviously we'll get the Mike Ashley sounding one.