Player Valuation: £70m
has 150 pounds more than it was trying to raise.Can't see this taking off.
has 150 pounds more than it was trying to raise.Can't see this taking off.
Except for the fact there is no rumour of course...
"Most of us can see the progress made under Bill and can recognise this might be the last time the club is in the hands of a true Evertonian."
Have I missed something or is that a general statement?
God forbid we end up in the hands of an asset stripper like say Phillip Green because then we will be truly screwed but rest assured Saint Bill will never let that happen because he is an EvertonianIt's probably not an unfair thing to say.
Even Bill Kenwrights biggest detractors have to admit that he is a lifelong blue. It could even be argued that it is this deep association with the club that makes him want to stay involved.
It will almost certainly be true also the next Everton owner will be looking at the club as a commercial proposition. They are unlikely to concern themselves over the part players like David Lawson , Dai Davies or Jim Pearson played in our clubs history. That may not be a bad thing.
The one thing that I do feel certain about is that Bill Kenwright will try to sell the club to the person/group that will give the best chance of success going forward as he sees it.
There are an awful lot of bad owners out there and my biggest fear is to have to read posts from people like Davek longing for the days of Bill Kenwright...because then we will really be screwed.
God forbid we end up in the hands of an asset stripper like say Phillip Green because then we will be truly screwed but rest assured Saint Bill will never let that happen because he is an Evertonian
He bought the club for £20 million and is selling it for £225 million in the words of Dell Trotter "Ive had worse days"Yeah mate, because Bill's really stripped the club bare and is creaming a fortune off the top isn't he?
Oh wait.
The club's assets have been mortgaged up to the hilt, we no longer own our own training ground and the club is saddled with significant long term loans.Yeah mate, because Bill's really stripped the club bare and is creaming a fortune off the top isn't he?
Oh wait.
You said asset stripping, there's been no assets liquidated that have resulted in cash leaving the business into the stakeholders pockets.He bought the club for £20 million and is selling it for £225 million in the words of Dell Trotter "Ive had worse days"
I would like to give Kenwright the benefit of the doubt but we will only really know after he has goneIt isn't Kenwright so much who I'm worried about. At least his heart is in the right place.
The others are the vampires IMO.
We dont even know who really owns the club