The Everton Board Thread (Inc. Bill Kenwright / Blue Union)

Is it time for Change...???

  • Kenwright an the Board out, We need Change.

    Votes: 503 80.0%
  • Im Happy with the way thing are. Kenwright an the Board should stay

    Votes: 126 20.0%

  • Total voters
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If you're going to make claims like that - do the links with evidence lad of my "years of defending and explaining". Fact of the matter is events outside of Everton (the 2008 financial crisis) is as much a driver in this than any of what you're saying.

Otherwise you're talking as much nonsense as Davek and David O'keefe and the IRRESPONSIBLE claims the clubs close to administration. Which frankly are a disgrace.

Oh and in response to Davek, the finances are no more down the toilet than any other club. The issue is that Kenwright cannot afford the rates for financing expanding the stadium and expanding turnover.

Therefore he's in a dead end. Before this year he wasn't. Except the financial market is closed now to him to expand turnover the way he believed he could.

You talk about politicians but you two are the ones spinning anything to portray things to suit your warped "everything-kenwright = evil" agendas.

You will notice I don't dress this up as being about Kenwright personally. Unlike some I can mention.

Well, Matt, seeing as you asked, let me refresh your memory on how you've spectacularly changed your tune on Everton's off the field vitality:

Here's your thread from April last when you were waxing lyrical on how stable the club was and in a great position, vis-a-vis our nearest status competitors such as Villa:

I think you can see how out of whack your prognistications were about not having to sell players in light of how things turned out in the summer and winter transfer windows just gone. ;)

Here's my favourite post of yours in the thread where you were getting stuck into 'the snides' at Toffeeweb:


Claiming they are in a better position than Everton????? WRONG WRONG, KenWRONG.

Massively misinformed people on Moanyweb. Man City the snides are bidding for Milner. Because they know Villa are in trouble after taking a gamble last summer.

Just as I said would happen in this summer. See above. It's happening.

Everton don't need to sell UNLESS the manager wants to. Villa do - huge gambles taken by them.
Lets hope some of the SNIDES on the likes of Moanyweb take this on board.
Now, of course, you've realised that Moyes' hand has been forced to sell players, so you just change tack away from endogenous explanations of the club's 'good' financial health, toward exogenous explanations for its poor health - IE by saying Kenwright cant limp on under the current financial meltdown facing him in the credit market.

I think that's what they call a 'snides' trick...lad. ;)
Well, Matt, seeing as you asked, let me refresh your memory on how you've spectacularly changed your tune on Everton's off the field vitality:

Here's your thread from April last when you were waxing lyrical on how stable the club was and in a great position, vis-a-vis our nearest status competitors such as Villa:

I think you can see how out of whack your prognistications were about not having to sell players in light of how things turned out in the summer and winter transfer windows just gone. ;)

Here's my favourite post of yours in the thread where you were getting stuck into 'the snides' at Toffeeweb:

Now, of course, you've realised that Moyes' hand has been forced to sell players, so you just change tack away from endogenous explanations of the club's 'good' financial health, toward exogenous explanations for its poor health - IE by saying Kenwright cant limp on under the current financial meltdown facing him in the credit market.

I think that's what they call a 'snides' trick...lad. ;)

Villa sold Milner to City and Sidwell to Fulham bringing in £30million.

Where has their fictional additional spending come from there?

Relating to our own situation, the credit rating issue that you used as some sort of indication of imminent Everton demise relates to the cost of future borrowing. The borrowing that would be needed to increase capacity at Goodison to increase turnover. Which Kenwright can't access - NOW.

"Moyes has been forced to sell players" ?

1. I think you'll find Yakubu went due to loss of form post injury - WANTED TO LEAVE IN THE SUMMER and eventually Moyes lost faith in him

2. Pienaar wouldn't sign a new contract. So was recouped

3. Yobo's been hoofing it all over the show, and so was out on loan anyway.

4. Vaughn's not in the manager's plans.

So who exactly has forced anything?

AND AGAIN, you twist people's words. I've repeatedly said the club's not near administration!

Is fine for at least a season or two.So how is there this imminent demise you're implying is occuring?

Its the fact that LONG TERM Kenwright can now longer access finance to change the business model. Only in your mind does that imply that EFC's facing imminent collapse! Because it suits you to peddle that around, rather than allow until the summer at least for a change to occur

But hey, according to you the club's doomed. Far be it for me to interfere in your rumour and scare mongering!

You're a snide Davek.
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If you're going to make claims like that - do the links with evidence lad of my "years of defending and explaining".

Thats rich, where was your evidence and links to supprt your claim I had advocated getting Jol in as a new manager in place of Moyes. Never produced that, did you? Are you going to produce that evidence now in support of your claim?

And you talk of scruples!!!! and call DaveK a snide!!!!!!!
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Relating to our own situation, the credit rating issue that you used as some sort of indication of imminent Everton demise relates to the cost of future borrowing. The borrowing that would be needed to increase capacity at Goodison to increase turnover. Which Kenwright can't access - NOW.

Its the fact that LONG TERM Kenwright can no longer access finance to change the business model.

Out of interest Matt, why didn't Kenwright "access finance to change the business model" pre credit crunch?

Villa sold Milner to City and Sidwell to Fulham bringing in £30million.

Where has their fictional additional spending come from there?

Relating to our own situation, the credit rating issue that you used as some sort of indication of imminent Everton demise relates to the cost of future borrowing. The borrowing that would be needed to increase capacity at Goodison to increase turnover. Which Kenwright can't access - NOW.

That's what I said - you're now blaming factors outside of the club's control to explain away our poor financial position (cost of credit), whereas previously you were only interested in measures taken within the club by a 'savvy' board of directors and how any lack of activity in the transfer market would be the manager's choice alone.

You can ty and jump horses mate, but the contradiction's been noted!

"Moyes has been forced to sell players" ?

1. I think you'll find Yakubu went due to loss of form post injury - WANTED TO LEAVE IN THE SUMMER and eventually Moyes lost faith in him

2. Pienaar wouldn't sign a new contract. So was recouped

3. Yobo's been hoofing it all over the show, and so was out on loan anyway.

4. Vaughn's not in the manager's plans.

So who exactly has forced anything?

That's right yeah, Moyes wanted to deplete his squad by letting all those players go. That must be why he had a face like a smacked arse last week.

AND AGAIN, you twist people's words. I've repeatedly said the club's not near administration!

Is fine for at least a season or two.So how is there this imminent demise you're implying is occuring?

Its the fact that LONG TERM Kenwright can now longer access finance to change the business model. Only in your mind does that imply that EFC's facing imminent collapse! Because it suits you to peddle that around, rather than allow until the summer at least for a change to occur

But hey, according to you the club's doomed. Far be it for me to interfere in your rumour and scare mongering!You're a snide Davek.


You dreamt that up mate.
That's what I said - you're now blaming factors outside of the club's control to explain away our poor financial position (cost of credit), whereas previously you were only interested in measures taken within the club by a 'savvy' board of directors and how any lack of activity in the transfer market would be the manager's choice alone.

You can ty and jump horses mate, but the contradiction's been noted!

That's right yeah, Moyes wanted to deplete his squad by letting all those players go. That must be why he had a face like a smacked arse last week.


You dreamt that up mate.

Moyes was **** off because he couldn't replace a striker / midfielder of the quality he wanted with the resources given to him.

I haven't dreamt it up. You're often quoting Everton's situation as being like a Meteor hitting Earth - Bruce Willis movie.

That David O'Keefe nonsense was of your ilk.

What most of you haven't also considered - as well as it improving the balance sheet prior to a sale, is that the new club licencing regs coming in next season mean clubs are EXPECTED to start improving their balance sheets this season.

So you've too valid reasons for a reluctance not to release funds.

Totally irrelevant of Kenwright seeking finance going forward.

My "corrections" are irrelevant as they're not even corrections.

The Aston Villa comparison - sold £30million in assets and spent £16million initially meaning they'd reduced debts immediately from last summer going forward £14 million.

A similar consolidation at Everton has occurred.

I bet you almost spat your dinner out when Seymour Pierce's rep was on the radio today didn't you Davek! :lol:

Because unlike you lad - I really am "WATCHING THIS SPACE" !
Moyes was **** off because he couldn't replace a striker / midfielder of the quality he wanted with the resources given to him.

I haven't dreamt it up. You're often quoting Everton's situation as being like a Meteor hitting Earth - Bruce Willis movie.

That David O'Keefe nonsense was of your ilk.

What most of you haven't also considered - as well as it improving the balance sheet prior to a sale, is that the new club licencing regs coming in next season mean clubs are EXPECTED to start improving their balance sheets this season.

So you've too valid reasons for a reluctance not to release funds.

Totally irrelevant of Kenwright seeking finance going forward.

My "corrections" are irrelevant as they're not even corrections.

The Aston Villa comparison - sold £30million in assets and spent £16million initially meaning they'd reduced debts immediately from last summer going forward £14 million.

A similar consolidation at Everton has occurred.

I bet you almost spat your dinner out when Seymour Pierce's rep was on the radio today didn't you Davek! :lol:

Because unlike you lad - I really am "WATCHING THIS SPACE" !

Oh right, we're 'consolidating' to fit in with new rules, nothing to do with having sold the family silver and and having feck all to borrow against because they've spent the last decade selling it all off then? Lol!

So there we have it: Everton are a well run, forward thinking organisation getting a jump on other clubs by more *ahem* prudent action.

You couldn't make this up. You should be on the stage mate.
Oh right, we're 'consolidating' to fit in with new rules, nothing to do with having sold the family silver and and having feck all to borrow against because they've spent the last decade selling it all off then? Lol!

So there we have it: Everton are a well run, forward thinking organisation getting a jump on other clubs by more *ahem* prudent action.

You couldn't make this up. You should be on the stage mate.

Considering wage inflation - yes they are!

However Kenwright - can no longer - finance the revenue generators needed long term.

Hence a sale will happen sooner rather than later.

Its actually been fun watching you create things to fume about.

Although the administration rumours are damaging to the club (Ask Damo W). So by pedaling that around I think we've seen what you game is.
Out of interest Matt, why didn't Kenwright "access finance to change the business model" pre credit crunch?

Because there was the debate and issue of planning which he lost ultimately. As you well know.

There is an element of no plan B coming back and biting him on the arse . Granted. But it's not going to be his problem when the club's sold.

The big mistake was signing that exclusivity agreement.

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