The Everton Board Thread (Inc. Bill Kenwright / Blue Union)

Is it time for Change...???

  • Kenwright an the Board out, We need Change.

    Votes: 503 80.0%
  • Im Happy with the way thing are. Kenwright an the Board should stay

    Votes: 126 20.0%

  • Total voters
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Spot on this, and follows up on your point yesterday that the incompetents running the club day to day and the absentee landlords who own it have talked Everton into the gutter.

Everton haven't capitalised in a decade of riches and commercial possibilities in English football because the parasites in the boardroom have had one goal: Plan A, to get a stadium built and pid for by others (even if it was a shed built in another town) and then to stick their hands out for a big pay day when they sold up. Twelve years of that, bolstered by selling anything and everything that had a valuation placed on. What a legacy.

I've said it before, Bill Kenwright will go down in Everton history as a more reviled figure than John Houlding.

I agree, I imagine part of the reason he's so selective with info is because he knows this himself and he's scared the next man through the door will lay it all bare, something he'd be powerless to stop.
Anyone heard the latest on the takeover talk? Got text this, this morning - Apparently the interested European investor is based out of Peckham, London. His name is Derek Trotter (known as Del Boy to his close associates) and he is the managing director of Trotters Independent Traders (T.I.T.). His business partner is believed to be his younger brother Rodney, the companies financial advisor. He possess two GCE's in mathematics & art. Although talks initially broke down when Del Boy went bankrupt, it is believed Kenwright was keen to resume talks after over hearing Del say "don't worry, this time next year, we'll be millionaires".

Rumours are also rife that the interested Chinese party is John, the owner of the Goodison Road Chippy, John's initial offer of a Curry Chip barm & a can of Pepsi was turned down by Kenwright, who is driving a hard bargain, demanding his preferred choice of drink.. a can of Fanta fruit twist.

Reports that Mr Chow is the other interested asian party are still unconfirmed.

that is one long text.
you r about has funny has getting kicked in the boll...ks by a size 12 pair of steeles

And that everyone has to wear the same type of hats...


And having reviewed your idea, some size 12 clown shoes as well.

I've said it before, Bill Kenwright will go down in Everton history as a more reviled figure than John Houlding.

Yes Dave, you really have said it before.
Where was the complaining about season ticket price freezes?
And record breaking club transfers?
And rescuing the club from a monster that sold a player behind the managers back?

Blah blah blah artist formerly known as...
We will have to agree to disagree on this. Sorry to hammer this home. In the academic literature, which I am very familiar with, a tangible asset is something which a firm either owns or has access to which can be bought or sold on the market (called Strategic Factor Markets). An intangible asset is something that cannot be bought and sold on the markets and therefore the firm that holds that assets, such as reputation or customer loyalty, can have a competitive advantage over rivals. For example, Man Utd have a huge support in China. This is intangible because everton cannot just go out and buy this support. In terms of players, clubs own the registration of players which are bought and sold on the market. This makes players tangible assets of clubs, for the length of the contract at least. The fact that it is difficult to value players is besides the point. They are tangible because they are tradeable. End of.

Now, what should have been said by the person who was interviewed which would have made that person appear more knowledgeable (and therefore have more credibility) is.....the club have either sold or mortgaged off tangible property-related assets such as Bellfield and Goodison. The only other tangible assets of significant value that the club hold are the players. However due to the severe fluctuations in their value because of market vagaries and characteristics of players themselves that are out of the clubs control (age, form, injuries etc) plus the illiquid nature of the 'assets', banks and other institutions do not usually allow player valuations to be included on balance sheets. So although the club could sell players to raise capital, it cannot borrow against them. Therefore, the club currently has no means of generating income other than the commercial ventures it already performs and the performance of the team on the pitch. We are demonstrating because we, the fans, cannot understand why a club like everton which has huge worldwide support and a long, rich tradition, is failing so dramatically on the commercial front. We also do not understand what is making everton unattractive to buyers. We ask for more transparency, and if certain members of the Board either cannot or will not invest their own money (which is normal at a football club) then we ask them to stand aside, or at least relinquish responsibility for commercial ventures, because they are clearly not creating any value for the club

Fair enough, that's a very good statement that teaches me a lot. However, I do believe I raised some slightly valid points.

I don't care if you have more knowledge than me, I only care if you love Everton as much as me, kidda.
Have you only been watching football for 5 minutes or something. In the early 80's when our neighbours were dominating everything United played in a 44,000 stadium before football fans could even spell the word corporate. They barely won a trophy and were in serious decline on and off the pitch. The Edwards family bought in, appointed the man who's gone on to be the best manager of all time and they both grew the club. Your completely right in that we aren't Man Utd but they are certainly off the pitch what we should aspire to if we ever want to compete at the top end of the game, ever again???

It's not full of holes at all. You never actually pointed any holes out.

You asked how an investor can make money from football. I explained one way and gave an example.

Are you saying that if the Glazers sold thier stake in United today they will have lost money? Of course not so thats how, hardly full of holes. If they float you can guarentee that 25% of that club will be worth at least 75% of what they paid. Thats profit, what you said can't be done. I'm saying that could be us in the future with the right people in charge, not neccesarily billionaires.

I don't know if you've noticed but EFC are already a global brand, were the fourth most successful team in the richest and most popular league in the world, that plays by far the worlds most popular sport. A man of vision would undoubtedly be able to grow that brand and capitalise on it. Similar to what the Glazers have done with Man Utd. Record profits of £110 mill. For the last ten years all Kenwright has done is cry poverty, even when we weren't that skint. Very, very bad PR.

I want to see us winning and if that means someone like the Glazers come in and take their pound of flesh I'd grudgingly accept that, stinking greed or not.

Maybe you wouldn't, I wouldn't criticise you for it but all I can read from your posts is that you think it's impossible for us to even challenge again, like our fortunes can't be altered without a billionaire. I don't think thats true.

Improve the business and the new ground or improvements may well pay for themselves.

No, I've been going to Goodison since the mid 80's. So I've watched a fair bit of football.

Your suggestion above involves us having the good fortune to have one of the worlds greatest managers (and luckiest considering the glut of talent that came through his youth team in a few seasons) come along and win us 10 + premier league titles. Moyes would have to do that without much money by the looks of it.

Shall we see how it pans out? Sorry mate, looking at Everton as a business opportunity and taking into account 150 million pounds worth stadium and infracture that needs to be built I don't see the same investment opportunity that practically every EFC fan seem to. Southampton would be a better buy at the moment.

Of course looking at it as a fan, I can't see why anyone would buy any other club in the world.
No, I've been going to Goodison since the mid 80's. So I've watched a fair bit of football.

Your suggestion above involves us having the good fortune to have one of the worlds greatest managers (and luckiest considering the glut of talent that came through his youth team in a few seasons) come along and win us 10 + premier league titles. Moyes would have to do that without much money by the looks of it.

Shall we see how it pans out? Sorry mate, looking at Everton as a business opportunity and taking into account 150 million pounds worth stadium and infracture that needs to be built I don't see the same investment opportunity that practically every EFC fan seem to. Southampton would be a better buy at the moment.

Of course looking at it as a fan, I can't see why anyone would buy any other club in the world.

There's nothing lucky about them players coming through mate, the scouting network he set up found them, his coaches he appointed taught them and he as a man manager developed them and thier pysche to become the players they went on to be, you can see it right through his reign.

I'm not in denial about the size of the task in front of us but even the longest journey starts with a single step, we haven't took one yet and the longer we stand still the harder it will be to catch up!!! Do you agree we are standing still? If you do see you tomorrow at 2 o'clock.

The health of the club is all of our responsibility!

Got to say our brave board has really upped it's propaganda efforts recently, and to be fair it's a great tactic aimed at the natural proportion of retards in our support, like in society in general. Can't wait to hear more news about the multiple takeover deals being negotiated, how much we'll spend in Janaury, and how the Blue Union is damaging club finances/team prospects etc.

That Ian Ross certainly earns his pay, he'd look stunning in a dress.

Apologies for the lack of multi font btw
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At least now the EFC board are feeling the pressure and now when it comes to selling the club it wont be on the same terms as say last year. I'm all for change tbh and i think the club needs a whole freshen up at the highest levels. And to give Mr Kenwright his dues he has been trying to sell the club, all be it in a very awkward way mind you. It would have been the same as me selling my car, but then changing my mind halfway through talks that i value my car a few bob more or holding out for a higher price once i upgrade the engine, but adding ohh and you can have the car as long as i can still drive it.........that sums it up really. Now however, the desperation to still be the driver has passed. Im gonna go out on a limb here and predict the next owner of EFC to be from the middle east and maybe have a name like Al Shaya or something, who knows :dodgy:
"We are not where we want to be, we will always want more..The job will continue in earnest and we need to get on with that job - the search for new investment and the continued mission to support David Moyes and his ambitions for the team on the pitch"

What's the plan *if* the 25/8 investment search doesn't work? He's the CEO of the club; shouldn't he be saying something like: 'listen, forget all that takeover/investment stuff - we'll pursue it and if it happens it happens. In the meantime here's what we're going to do in the...

  • short term....
  • medium term....
  • long term......"
I suppose taking the piss, with stuff like the fans ideas are 'risible', is a bit easier.

Got to say our brave board has really upped it's propaganda efforts recently, and to be fair it's a great tactic aimed at the natural proportion of retards in our support, like in society in general. Can't wait to hear more news about the multiple takeover deals being negotiated, how much we'll spend in Janaury, and how the Blue Union is damaging club finances/team prospects etc.

That Ian Ross certainly earns his pay, he'd look stunning in a dress.

Apologies for the lack of multi font btw

Forget about the fancy dress, and your more forgiving of Everton's press efforts than I'd be. But retard? To fellow Evertonians? Are you serious? I've made the same point on the Blue room about those who are anti BU. We really don't need this type of language - this is not a fight to overthrow an oppressive state like Libya. I don't agree with your point of view, but god forbid me if I ever called you a retard. Not needed, from either side.
Got to say our brave board has really upped it's propaganda efforts recently, and to be fair it's a great tactic aimed at the natural proportion of retards in our support, like in society in general. Can't wait to hear more news about the multiple takeover deals being negotiated, how much we'll spend in Janaury, and how the Blue Union is damaging club finances/team prospects etc.

That Ian Ross certainly earns his pay, he'd look stunning in a dress.

Apologies for the lack of multi font btw

Bill has a long interview published in the Mail tomorrow. I think we can all anticipate that one now.

In other news - believe the captain of the club today refused to take literature off a small group of supporters at FF concerning why there'd be a protest tomorrow. That's just not what Captain Point Finger does...too professional, i expect...unlike the other players, coaches and the manager, who all accepted the stuff offered them.

Two more seasons of this phony topping up his pension.

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