Okay here is a slightly different take (although one which has probably been made already):
I would welcome a takeover from someone smart even if they had less money than BK.*
Of course this person would be another "custodian" type who will hopefully just keep the club Euro competitive long enough for a big money takeover.
However I believe (as do many on this side of the aisle) that the club has been mismanaged independent of financial concerns. We all talk about needing money (most people don't fantasize about a mildly positive event -- if we're going to daydream it will be about a billionaire showing up) but I'd be happy with someone who was more capable of squeezing every last penny out of this club's potential.
I think there is an extra 5-10m a year out there which with the right people in charge we could grab.
Lack of money is the most glaring and obvious problem with the current regime but it's FAR from the only problem.
*Less money is effectively the same money as BK because the club runs on its own revenue ... my point is whether the person has the same, less or slightly more they don't have to be a billionaire to improve us.
That said it's hardly an exciting prospect compared with getting a billionaire so it's rarely mentioned. Ideally you need three things: a great manager, smart owners and lots of money. We've gotten pretty far on a manager; if we could have a great manager *and* a super smart owner we might be able to close the gap a little more (but we'd still need money eventually to compete at the highest levels).
See, this is an argument I can totally understand and get behind.
It fairly challenges his club running acumen in a balanced way
Some of the other posts on here just seem like personal attacks and it sullies any good points the person might be making