But I remember clearly his words when be took us over. There are plenty of issues to take him up on without this one. He said he was largely skint at the outset. Yes it is a criticism of him in not getting new investors on board and/or new owners. He has said on the record numerous times he's been trying to sell for years. The second there's a shred of proof that a serious party made an offer for the club etc etc then you can hold him to task.
The thing is Dell, he can find the investors when the pressure is on though. When Gregg attempted to take control, he brought the FSF to the table.
And, he eventually got Gregg out when Robert Earl bought his shares.
So Bill can find investors, but he finds the ones we should be watching out for in the first place. Robert Earl does not care about our club, he was brought in because he saw an oppertunity to make a return intially with DK. He will not sell up for Everton's best interests, he does not care. He wants his return, no doubt a decent one.