Player Valuation: £35m
Just seen this on twitter kinhell hahahaha

Just seen this on twitter kinhell hahahaha
Kenwright doesn't sleep, he's searching 24/7 for investment. I can't wait to see the names behind BCR and Vibrac, if the rumours have been right, then Blue Bill will be ****ting bricks.
Just seen this on twitter kinhell hahahaha
I think BCR Sports is a trust isn't it, and apparently not covered by this move (only applies to companies).
Not necessarily the best thing about Hitler though is it?At least Hitler had ambition
It's recorded as 'BCR Sports Limited' in the official accounts, which would lead one to think BCR Sports are a company, not a trust.
I'll be extremely surprised if we sign anyone for over 7-8M without using money from other player sales. They're hellbent on a new stadium so they can sell up and line their pockets and all this TV money is going to go towards that end in order to be able to fund a larger guarantee of the cost. By the time a stadium is built the side will have deteriorated so much it'll make the stadium irrelevant.
...and you know all