Player Valuation: £70m
Groucho is the only one in here making calm and reasoned posts
Everyone else is losing their minds
Including you mate

But back on topic... KENWRONG OUT!
Groucho is the only one in here making calm and reasoned posts
Everyone else is losing their minds
Listen, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and the vast majority of the time people accept that. The problem with the board and ownership issue is, it can be a case of "slate the owners, hate Kenwright, or else you're obviously not an Evertonian".
Even someone taking a neutral stance in order to provide balance, like me here, can find it a little hostile at times.
I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here, or aiming this at any individual member.
He has a daughter I think, but someone here said yesterday that board member Phillip Green has £3.3 billion, and that's before you get to the other board members.
I know it's unfashionable not to beat Kenwright with a big stick, but I can't help feeling that some peoples' anger would be better directed at those other than the chairman. If they're not willing to invest (as Kenwright has said, and claims he has tried to persuade them to), then they should sell their shares and move on, enabling another loaded person to put their money in, invest, and benefit us.
Can Kenwright sack board members who are unwilling to invest? If so, he should.
Iwonder in what kind of a timeframe we will be seeing changes in boardroom etc
A lot of people, myself included, wonder why Kenwright invited the likes of Earl and Woods to buy shares and join the board, despite knowing full well they had no intention of investing further.
I always assumed Earl - who I believe owns 23% of the club - agreed to shore up shares in exchange for the opportunity to sell at a profit after the move to Kirkby, but it's been four years since that farce was taken off the table and he's still here.
They seem to be marking time but I have no idea what they're waiting for.
Do they not see that by investing, they'll see a return on their shares much quicker than playing a waiting game? The other board members, I mean, not necessarily Kenwright.
A decade at least mate, I reckon.
Do they not see that by investing, they'll see a return on their shares much quicker than playing a waiting game? The other board members, I mean, not necessarily Kenwright.
As much as I love firing out conjecture, it's almost impossible to hazard a guess at their motives. Are they just waiting for another Tesco-type deal to present itself?
It's sad to say, but I think we'll probably have to wait until the team is struggling before tough questions start being asked again.
Listen, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and the vast majority of the time people accept that. The problem with the board and ownership issue is, it can be a case of "slate the owners, hate Kenwright, or else you're obviously not an Evertonian".
Even someone taking a neutral stance in order to provide balance, like me here, can find it a little hostile at times.
I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here, or aiming this at any individual member.
So these "forces" superseded the law did they? The case was decided on the basis of Contract Law and nothing else.Was that what I claimed? Or did I claim instead that there wasa combination of forces (supporters reach into the media; desperate bank; alternative ownership group lurking in the background)?
I think it was defo the Latter. Something that's being forgotten here conveniently because some others want to just leave decisions of this nature at the level of high finance and ignore the fact that this is a large cultural institution with stakeholders that also need to be factored into the equation when reckoning outcomes.
I find nothing neutral in your stance or to give balance other than to deflect the well documented failings of the chairman of the football club for the last 13 years.
I find nothing neutral in your stance or to give balance other than to deflect the well documented failings of the chairman of the football club for the last 13 years.
I am sorry but I don,t buy it, don,t take it personally it,s just balance !
Lifted from Kipper:
Agreed mate, we are going to be releasing a website very soon which will be far more precise on what are goals are and how we want to achieve them. We are in this for the long game and we do have a strategy in place that will need Evertonians help. We can't do it without the fans and will be looking to involve people more. Just to show this is more than just a facebook campaign things that are under development...
1: Website.
2: Leafleting campaign.
3: Podcast "appearances".
4: Trying to get coverage from the media. (Those of you who follow us or Greg O Keeffe on Twitter will know that we had positive discussions with him)
Get behind Evertonians for Change. Obviously only aimed at those who want change. Those happy with our current state need not apply.