I know it's easy to have a pop at Bill, so yes you have to give some credit where credit it is due.
Let's be honest though, he has got very lucky in his last 2 managerial appointments. You could say he chose very wisely, a case could be made for that. But, let's be honest, both could have gone either way.
He doesn't select the players to be purchased, he doesn't pick the team. I think the minimum amount of what he does put in should be taken for what it is, but let's not make him out to be some sort of overlord genius.
I don,t really care about Bill and the board he and they are an obstacle to the club moving to the next level. To be honest mate when you use words like hatred it shows your complete lack of understanding about why fans raise questions and want change. Don,t use words that you cannot back up, lets stick to what we know....15 Years without a sale and counting in one of the worlds richest leagues.
His only actual positives in his whole tenure have been to appoint 2 managers who have steadied the ship and more.
Please don't try and cloud the issue by over stressing that point and using it as a platform to spin his actual achievements, as beyond that there is nothing else.
If you are suggesting he has brought financial stability I suggest you go for a check up.
Any achievements have been inspite of Kenwright not because of him. Unless he has taken team talks, training sessions, scouted players etc
From a business perspective we have been mismanaged and he has failed to provide the club with its biggest ever opportunity - the Kings dock stadium. Following on from that he led us down the garden path to try and get a portacabin built in Kirby. Not going to go into the fortress fund lies, NTL deal failure, sales of players and assets to keep the club from going under whilst that lot sit on the bvoard without investing a penny of their money aside from shares.
In short the man is out of his depth and occasionally turns on the salesman charm in order to get a few blues to fall for his teary eyed stories.
Some people see a lovely, innocent man who remortgaged his house and eats beans on toast because he loves Everton, I see an egotistical liar who overrates his ability to talk.
People just aren't buying football clubs anymore...
Or cars.
you thought about putting some "peoples car"bunting around it? might seal a deal
Or cars.
Are you selling a car that you bought for £200 for £5000 after selling its leather seats, wheel trims etc? If so, see Bill, he's a 24/7 specialist in such sales.
Pumping money into a club doesn't necessarily guarantee success. There are plenty of examples of this. Take Peter Johnson at our helm, or Portsmouth. Taking the club from a position of yearly relegation battles to competing for Europe year in year out, whilst maintaining a financially stable state in which Everton are safe from the horrors of administration and relegation does in many ways constitute some element of success. Believe it or not whilst you may criticise Bill as doing nothing for the club, at the end of the day he has a perfect success rate in picking managers, who were both thoroughly vetted by him. Undoubtedly there are areas in which he has failed, but to criticise him for his failures but not appreciate his successes is incredibly one eyed. There are plenty of worse owners that we could have had.OK, you are right.
He hasn't sold everything we owned to stay in the job.
He hasn't and never ever did use the press to spin and lie about Kirkby and various other financial issues.
he is Mr Everton and we are so lucky to have such an astute leader at the helm and making sure our club is not sold to a chicken farmer, although it was nearly sold to a bloke in a bedsit.
He didn't make himself look a complete cretin out of his depth and without a plan in an interview with the BU and in fact they probably made it all up anyway.
Crack on, we are deluded, you aren't.
Man city, Chelsea.Pumping money into a club doesn't necessarily guarantee success. There are plenty of examples of this. Take Peter Johnson at our helm, or Portsmouth. Taking the club from a position of yearly relegation battles to competing for Europe year in year out, whilst maintaining a financially stable state in which Everton are safe from the horrors of administration and relegation does in many ways constitute some element of success. Believe it or not whilst you may criticise Bill as doing nothing for the club, at the end of the day he has a perfect success rate in picking managers, who were both thoroughly vetted by him. Undoubtedly there are areas in which he has failed, but to criticise him for his failures but not appreciate his successes is incredibly one eyed. There are plenty of worse owners that we could have had.
Ultimately, to believe that because we are Everton we have a divine right to success is foolhardy and daft. Success is earnt not given.
Pumping money into a club doesn't necessarily guarantee success. There are plenty of examples of this. Take Peter Johnson at our helm, or Portsmouth. Taking the club from a position of yearly relegation battles to competing for Europe year in year out, whilst maintaining a financially stable state in which Everton are safe from the horrors of administration and relegation does in many ways constitute some element of success. Believe it or not whilst you may criticise Bill as doing nothing for the club, at the end of the day he has a perfect success rate in picking managers, who were both thoroughly vetted by him. Undoubtedly there are areas in which he has failed, but to criticise him for his failures but not appreciate his successes is incredibly one eyed. There are plenty of worse owners that we could have had.
Ultimately, to believe that because we are Everton we have a divine right to success is foolhardy and daft. Success is earnt not given.
Pumping money into a club doesn't necessarily guarantee success. There are plenty of examples of this. Take Peter Johnson at our helm, or Portsmouth. Taking the club from a position of yearly relegation battles to competing for Europe year in year out, whilst maintaining a financially stable state in which Everton are safe from the horrors of administration and relegation does in many ways constitute some element of success. Believe it or not whilst you may criticise Bill as doing nothing for the club, at the end of the day he has a perfect success rate in picking managers, who were both thoroughly vetted by him. Undoubtedly there are areas in which he has failed, but to criticise him for his failures but not appreciate his successes is incredibly one eyed. There are plenty of worse owners that we could have had.
Ultimately, to believe that because we are Everton we have a divine right to success is foolhardy and daft. Success is earnt not given.
Really, are we financially stable? Just look at the accounts, debt has consistently risen. Two failed ground moves, splitting the fanbase down the middle. The bad out weighs the good in my book.
No mate. My point is that they buy any car and you can save money that way.
There's really no reason to be so facetious. All we want is a statue of Bill erected and for the singing section of the ground to finally get round to making a chant reflecting our gratitude. That's not too much to ask is it?Yes, but it's much easier to ignore these things if it does not fit in with your point I find.
we are doing OK on the pitch, he is obviously the master of all creation again.