Despite me asking a number of times it's looking as if you cannot state any facts against Usmanov that specifically suggest he is the heinous figure you are suggesting. I'm not claiming that he's any more innocent of greed as the next billionaire, nor sm i suggesting he's- the kind if person id like, but you've not provided any coherent argument or evidence to back up your allegations.
I've followed Everton football club for over 40 years and Ill afmit to being ashsmed if and embarrased by our current regime. However, I don't show any real interest other than what happens on the pitch - because I like sport not politics or business. The fact that I haven't gorped at the news or speculated nor believed the clickbait headlines on the Internet doesn't make me less of a fan as you try to imply.
I show even less interest in other clubs, less still on the behaviour of their owners. But here you are, chatting about the owners of another club in another club's forum not able or not willing to go to the trouble of substantiating the slurs you're trying to make, despite being invited to. I think that's a bit odd ... and weak.