I used the 'unsure' emoji because that my answer.
Moshiri is clearly a fool. If he hasn't seen through Bill for all this time he's hardly likely to now.
You mention Kenwrights great mate, Downing. Is he even 100% involved with MSP? All I've seen is speculation and people joining the dots. Bell has thrown in money.
The document submitted to the SEC mentioned (I think) 16 partners. How much say would Downing have if indeed he has thrown in? MSP manages the fund on the investors behalf, each individual party has no guarantee of a voice in the business.
MSP are serious operators. It's possible they don't give a stuff about Everton, but they definitely see it as a way to make money. They can't asset strip as we're not a superclub. The only way to make money is make us 'better.'
Once the MSP money arrives, if they say "we want xxxx as Chairman" they'll get him/her. Moshiri seemingly can't finish the stadium without them, they're his exit strategy once it's built. Either they take over or Moshiri/MSP find a third party and everyone is happy.
Even if he stays on (undesirable, obviously) he'll be completely cuck.
After 20+ years yesterday showed me his time is up.
It's literally impossible for him to be seriously described in such glowing terms.