Frank's job: balance the team, stay in prem, more young/local lads (in progress)
Mosh's job: Complete stadium, sell and leave (seems to be in progress)
BK's job: leave (not in progress)
BK has from what I can see achieved two things of merit in a very long tenure:
- helped appoint David Moyes (the first step in making Everton more attractive for modernisation)
- found Mosh who will hopefully complete this transformation, once stadium up
And that's it.
Contrast to Levy who's done the whole thing on less time, with comparatively more recent 'success' (though scarcely more silver), and BK's record basically shows it's hard to gate crash the Old School without HUGE money ( e.g. City ). And even then, Blackburn faded to near bankruptcy, a la Wigan and Bolton and Newcastle needed a huge second bite of the cherry - with still no silverware to show for either stint as yet (though that'll change in 2-3yrs IMHO).
So is BK's record, 'awful'? Well for a guy with basically no meaningful cash in modern terms, no. The problem is... he has no meaningful cash in modern terms. He bagged Moyes, well done. But BK's record is far from great, good or even mediocre. Disappointing at best.
So BK's definitely history now, knows that and is blatantly seizing this moment of instability around Mosh's funds and next steps to re-establish his role (the Richy debacle). His crass ego that tells him he has something to offer makes the old barnacle look like the clown he is, puffed up pasty face waving his arms around in front of the England manager on his most recent visit. This stuff's crass, and he's irrelevent strategically, tactically and financially - but we have to abide him since he's clung onto a job and few shares. What we have to hope is Mosh/Ushmanov can see out the Stadium.
Then it's a clean sweep and if Frank's done the biz in the mean time - well then we're on the cusp of great times, it having taken BK 30 years and the work of David Moyes to kick start it.