The Everton Board Thread

Is the goal here to launder money through tier one bank accounts and high profile global businesses...cross border as well lol

Seriously lol

All while making a huge loss on the funds.


Laundering money is a low profile operation where the funds come out as close to 1-1 as possible. They dont intentionally give away money...its not Scarface ffs.

They arent going to be using multiple companies' tier one bank accounts for cross border payments with a very low or negative probability.

I sincerely hope youre having a giggle.
Watch Ozark and then get back to me.
I went on the stadium tour at Goodison earlier (was a Christmas present). It ended up as a pure tragi-comic experience, and pretty much confirmed everything we already know (still shocking to literally have the stone cold proof in front of your eyes though).

The club is literally reveling it's pathetic irrelevance. I will say this, the tour guides were very nice people so none of this is meant to be a dig at them because they're just parrotting the party line. But at times across the 90 or so minutes I really did feel embarrassed about the fact I give so much time and energy to such a laughably awful institution.

The maintainence in lounges and corridors isn't great (compared to Liverpool's where EVERYTHING is kept pristine).

In the Goodison Road reception, on a match day, it was explained that they put up on display the opposing team's shirt "so that they feel welcome".

The Florida ******* cup is on display in a trophy case in the same reception, along with some youth cup Unsworth won and that trophy we got for beating Everton Chile As if these are things to show off FFS. Where is the real trophy room?! With all the other league titles and FA Cups? There isn't one.

The away changing room is deliberately small and bare "too make the opposition feel unsettled". Er... how do you square that with what you said 10 minutes ago about wanting to welcome them?

The players only get 3 matchday shirts to wear each per season ("not in a position to have an unlimited supply") . Imagine our players admitting that to international teammates FFS.

Literally ran like a corner shop. No serious mentality on display anywhere, everything instead is just romanticised. Moshiri is nutjob but he didnt create this culture, Kenwright did. And he hired his mate to be the CEO in order to keep things as they were day-to-day.

No joined up thinking, no strategy, no professionalism and no standards for people to have to live up too. Just so, so depressing.
When I was took into the away dressing room when I did the tour yesterday the guide said 'the only things the away team gets here is a cold shower and a cup of tea" to which I piped up with "and three points" much to her irritation and annoyance. It got a few laughs to be fair!

And yes I got to see the 'Florida Cup' as well! Plus the Canon League trophy and the European Cup winners Cup which the guide, bizarrely, called the 'European Cup'.
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Thats pretty much the reverse of what Moshiri has been doing.
Kinda messed it up then haven’t they
1billion of dirty money is worth less than 500m of clean money.

But anyway, I personally dont believe the money laundering aspect, I just thought it was rude to call somebody stupid for suggesting it.

There are some VERY stupid people about.
It can and does happen.

No company nor individual is exempt from being investigated for it.

If suspected and suspicion is raised via appropriate channels, you are not even able to discuss it further due to "tipping off" rules and regulations.

How is it therefore, implausible that it could happen at Everton FC given the shady characters currently involved or that were involved.


All of which are wholly plausible in any business, especially those who regularly trade in large sums.
1billion of dirty money is worth less than 500m of clean money.

But anyway, I personally dont believe the money laundering aspect, I just thought it was rude to call somebody stupid for suggesting it.
Stupid, baseless ideas need to be called out. The world would be a far better place without idiotic thoughts polluting our day to day.

"It's money laundering"

"it's a front for dirty money"

"they're using Everton to clean dirty money"

As for the "just watch Ozark" bit, do you see anybody with that level of smarts anywhere near Everton?

Or are you saying we always run out if hotdogs at HT because we sell 1 million worth in cash before the gates are open?

When you have crap like that produced, along with end of season review DVD’s being titled “The Magnificent Seventh” etc, and one off match DVD’s when we beat ‘kin Sunderland 7-1 being produced, you realise that that’s the sort of low expectation that the chairman / board have instilled into this once great football club over the last 30 odd years.

Where we are now is a reflection of that. Moshiri is just carrying that on with his “expected losses” bollox.
I am a football DVD collector. What strikes me as fascinating is Everton released these DVDs - The Great Escapes, etc. - but never once had the imagination to, say, go to ITV or the BBC and put together a collection of our greatest matches from our glory periods, particularly the 1980s. For example, there were plenty of live Everton matches on TV between 1985 and 1989. Why not collect the best of them in a box set? You could never buy, say, the 1984 FA Cup semi-final versus Southampton, but you could buy all kinds of low-rent tat in the Kenwright years. With the "Magnificent Seventh" we were celebrating mediocrity. The Great Escapes should have been accompanied with a documentary on why such days would never be allowed to happen again. Instead, they were put out as achievements.
I am a football DVD collector. What strikes me as fascinating is Everton released these DVDs - The Great Escapes, etc. - but never once had the imagination to, say, go to ITV or the BBC and put together a collection of our greatest matches from our glory periods, particularly the 1980s. For example, there were plenty of live Everton matches on TV between 1985 and 1989. Why not collect the best of them in a box set? You could never buy, say, the 1984 FA Cup semi-final versus Southampton, but you could buy all kinds of low-rent tat in the Kenwright years. With the "Magnificent Seventh" we were celebrating mediocrity. The Great Escapes should have been accompanied with a documentary on why such days would never be allowed to happen again. Instead, they were put out as achievements.

I just don't understand who would want to relive it either. There's a grim fascination when you're in the situation. Jeapordy, stress (God the stress!) and then the brief high at the end... At the end of the day, though, they were awful football matches.

As you say, celebrating failure. We all know what hangs on Bill's office wall, however.

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