@Neiler in a few years from now when things that aren't public come out. You'll retract that last paragraph
Why not make them public now, I’ll happily retract now if there is compelling evidence to change or irrefutably torpedo my analysis mate.
@Neiler in a few years from now when things that aren't public come out. You'll retract that last paragraph
I'm not able to. Although things will emerge in the coming months (nothing to do with Dyche or the team)Why not make them public now, I’ll happily retract now if there is compelling evidence to change my analysis.
I'm not able to. Although things will emerge in the coming months (nothing to do with Dyche or the team)
Ok mate. Ill happily retract, if there is a smoking gun, I’m calling it as I see it on available evid at the moment mate.
Like I said I don’t think it’s binary, you can not support the administration and criticise their commentary and be Disappointed with the impact of the protest groups protests and impact on the club, the two things can exist together.
The protest groups are a response to dysfunction and the culture at the club. They haven't caused or impacted anything. The protesters didn't force the board or club communication staff to brief the press over Headlock Gate. They did that entirely themselves. With no help from the protesters.
Things will come out eventually. Not about the above. About Bill Kenwright and Denise Barrett-Barrett-Baxendale being unfit to occupy their roles
You'll find out how wrong you areUntil then mate…..
I hope I do at some stage…..You'll find out how wrong you are
When you say "you dont like the timing of what went down this month" do you mean the morning of the southampton game when the board released a statement to the media that they werent turning up to the match coz of threats made and an assault carried out on our chief executive or coz a few blues had made it public that they were bringing some flags with words on the board and especially chairman wouldnt like? Also about "damage done to the public reputation of the club and undermining" do you mean the lads with the flags or because there was no evidence of threats or headlocks as the police said and the whole thing looks like a smear campaign against Evertonians. Do you think it was just coincidence that these revelations came out on the morning of the match or do you think it could be kenwright trying to steal their thunder coz a boardroom who cant attend a match coz they are scared of the supporters kind of puts us all in a bad light really.The board is done in its current guise, we might get a bone thrown of an addition or stepping away before the summer but I don’t see root and branch change really until then at the earliest. I think it’s Moshiri myself, i think he’s the dysfunctional presence, the money always holds the influence, I think he’s been a good intentioned loon, but I see that changing. He’s has always been sensitive, reactionary and emotional, so now the face has turned, I think it’s very likely he sells us down the river. Good and bad in that, but depends on the context. But the dysfunction can’t continue, the clubs well-being is haemerahing and we don’t have much farther to fall - we thought it couldn’t get worse then last season, it has.
The protests haven’t been enabling, if people want to believe it hasn’t effected our public profile it has and they have undermined us - thats down to piss poor timing, a lack of awareness and agreed a lack of coherence in what the priority should have been, pandoras box shouldn’t have been opened - If it couldn’t be controlled - you can disassociate yourself and condemn the scenes - but it’s like jamming on the breaks, your grand, but there is a 5 car pile up behind you - there is the natural cause and effect.
Timing, purpose and something beyond “just wanting change” and everything and everyone out is vital. I’m not against any of that, in fact I’d like something coherent I could support - haven’t seen it yet and as I say I don’t like the timing of what went down this month, less so the disempowering impact - not wholly at their door but was one of a number of factors.
I have my own opinion on Moshiri and the board and the need to change, but none of the protest groups have gone beyond binary stuff and as such I can’t warm to them, nor do I think they can unify the fan base behind an incoherent cause or limited strategy, even if the spirit behind it, is what’s required but it requires more coherence and realistic strategy, then just a vent.
Well said.Criticising the protests is playing right into the board's hands. They will love that and use it to divide the fanbase (again). The protesters aren't the reason that no players want to join us (granted the imbecilic chasing of players' cars after Southampton didn't help but that was more about the result), it is the signals that have been sent out by the board that the club is in a deep financial crisis meaning that relegation is all but imminent. It's a bit rich for fans groups to be blamed for protesting against this.
Given the number of different groups involved it was never going to organised to perfection, but they did a good job given the circumstances and the club's press release earlier in the day re Headlockgate. This is the culmination of many years of mismanagement, not the events of our last home game.
The blame lies 100% with the board and owner of Everton Football Club.
When you say "you dont like the timing of what went down this month" do you mean the morning of the southampton game when the board released a statement to the media that they werent turning up to the match coz of threats made and an assault carried out on our chief executive or coz a few blues had made it public that they were bringing some flags with words on the board and especially chairman wouldnt like? Also about "damage done to the public reputation of the club and undermining" do you mean the lads with the flags or because there was no evidence of threats or headlocks as the police said and the whole thing looks like a smear campaign against Evertonians. Do you think it was just coincidence that these revelations came out on the morning of the match or do you think it could be kenwright trying to steal their thunder coz a boardroom who cant attend a match coz they are scared of the supporters kind of puts us all in a bad light really.
The support wants blood Neiler, and I don't blame em, 8 months ago this support shed blood and was the greatest on the planet, 7 months later its violent and attacking the woman on the board.You’re absolutely missing the point, I’m not arsed about who was right or wrong, or whataboutary. The priority for the well-being of the club, was to protest about what would improve the well being of the club, signing p
layers, getting results - tension built based on results and was channelled away from that immediate priority. I don’t care who the owner or the board is, once Everton’s welfare is ok.
The Dynamic between both administration and protest grouo turned the atmosphere in and outside the club toxic - that is evident, we’re in the media as a basket case every two mins, the videos all over social media. That dynamic regardless what you belive undermined the club.
Youd have to be pretty oblivious to think, that players wanting to leave, players picking Southampton over us, bang average players just giving us a far no wasn't down to the toxicity surrounded by the club created by the club by the cival war dynamic, we had a shot to improve it was January and your fooling yourself if you think the dynamic didn’t influence the torpedoing it, of course it did. We got worse because of it, do you think we got better……