Danny, I agree. There's pros and cons, but one part deeply concerns me: the demand for them to not attend and the threat of post-match protests.
They could easily be used to legitimise their initial decision to not attend because the demand could end up being misconstrued as a thinly veiled threat.
In fact, for some it may actually be that, but for most I suspect it isn't; yet, we know how the press love to lap up the board's claims, orchestrated by Bill.
You can guess the headlines now: they're not attending because the fans have done x, y and z, even if x and y never occurred, but people will believe it due to z.
I do not want the board to attend, but it needs to be done in a way where they are in the wrong - their failings are highlighted - rather than the fans be to blame.
Like with the initial decision to not attend, Prentice will be sounding the horn this evening to bring the friendly press in to help spin the story for their own end.