While we're at it, Gibraltar? We should give that to the French. The fume here in Spain would be glorious.Should we really just give Jersey and Guernsey back to France? Seems fair.
I second this motion paisando.While we're at it, Gibraltar? We should give that to the French. The fume here in Spain would be glorious.
Like butter, washed down with a malbec
Poland as wellYou need to beat the best of the best to get to the World Cup Final in 2022, and there only one team France and Argentina both beat to get there.
My irrational (and likely unhealthy) beef is with messi, argentina is a wonderful country.
A quick look at a map might be a hint as to why they are disputing this territoryWhy are so many English people supporting Argentina? I don't really understand it. Argentina actively claim and dispute the Falklands Islands as their own and still to this day, they are adamant they will get Falklands back.
Reasonable logic. It forces you to put Aguero in a RS jersey as he wins the league rather than slip, but I get where you are coming from.I like France as a team and don't kind them either way even though theyhavebeen very successful in recent times. Argentina tend to be dirty when up against it and only turn it on when they can bully an opponent.
Argentina I conclude are the rs of international football and France are Man City.
Up France.
Vacio is my favourite too. Silk and taste.Argentinian beef is amazing. Vacio. Phwoar.
I’m guessing Poch won’t be coming to us then