The GOT Book Club

Read Heroes by Abercrombie recently - I know he gets a lot of plaudits and recognition but he really bosses that genre at the moment, IMHO. He's not great at everything - world building, or really original ideas aren't particular strengths, for example. But dialog, characters, drama - he's superb.
Read Heroes by Abercrombie recently - I know he gets a lot of plaudits and recognition but he really bosses that genre at the moment, IMHO. He's not great at everything - world building, or really original ideas aren't particular strengths, for example. But dialog, characters, drama - he's superb.
Brilliant set of books, Abercrombie is superb with all his first law titles. I'm really looking forward to his next panned trilogy set in the same world.

finished this the other day and thought it was a good read.maybe a bit dated at this stage(found it in second hand shop)but enjoyable nonetheless.the americans were at nothing from day one and goes to show superior firepower doesn't always can't fight a guerilla war by conventional means.

Anyone here ever go to the Hay Festival? Its on in a few weeks. I've been going for a few years now with my daughter and we love it. Really stimulating and totally different from anything else I've done. Bill Clinton called it "Woodstock for the mind", which is a pretty good description.
I never read new fiction these days. I should do.

I went to a massive charity book sale yesterday and came away with The Complete Guide to the Simpsons plus a Scandacrime novel I'd read before.

Hardly keeping up with the zeitgeist.....
Just finished


Adam Hochschild is awesome. Brilliant book about WWI with a heavy emphasis on the socialists, dissenters, and conscientious objectors in Britain and how the nation dealt with the fear of leftist populism. Just like Spain in our Hearts or King Leopold's Ghost, the book is magisterial. With it Hochschild firmly cements himself on my list of "read everything by this author, topic is immaterial".

Also recently finished Asimov's Foundation series...which, well, it's Foundation. It's like saying, "I just read Lord of the Rings." What more can be said? If you haven't read it and enjoy sci-fi, read it. If only because of its impact on everything that came after. I also loved it, but it obviously is dated regarding themes, optimism, and the absolute belief in science as a force for good. But it's still wonderful and good and fun and a reminder of the hope we had for a brighter future built on science.

Currently reading SPQR by Mary Beard.

Just finished this.

I knew very little about the German occupation of Crete, prior to reading this.

Very well written and interesting as always with all of Beevor's books.

It genuinely reads like a "boys own " tale of bravery, with the Cretan partisan groups and band together with some of the British army and form a resistance once the island is occupied by the Germans.

Highly recommended.
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Just finished this.

I knew very little about the German occupation of Crete, prior to reading this.

Very well written and interesting as always with all of Beevor's books.

It genuinely reads like a "boys own " tale of bravery, with the Cretan partisan groups and band together with some of the British army and form a resistance once the island is occupied by the Germans.

Highly recommended.
i will add this to my already extremely long list of books to read.

Read Heroes by Abercrombie recently - I know he gets a lot of plaudits and recognition but he really bosses that genre at the moment, IMHO. He's not great at everything - world building, or really original ideas aren't particular strengths, for example. But dialog, characters, drama - he's superb.

I've just finished the Shattered Sea trilogy, my first books by Abercrombie. I don't know about bossing the genre but I'd completely agree with the rest. Brilliant characterisation and dialogue but plot - at times really predictable or lacking imagination. Having said that, enjoyed the books and would read more by him.
Haven't read a book for ages, I read all day in work so have got out of the habit Any suggestions for me so I can get back into it? Don't mind what genre but particularly fond of Stephen King type stuff and crime thrillers.
Haven't read a book for ages, I read all day in work so have got out of the habit Any suggestions for me so I can get back into it? Don't mind what genre but particularly fond of Stephen King type stuff and crime thrillers.

If you like dark crime books, in a simlar style to Scandinavian noir, I highly recommend the books of the Scottish author :

Stuart Macbride

Have a look at his books.

He writes about two bent Scottish detectives in a fictional city ( Aberdeen really ).

They are as good as the books of Jo Nesbo and super dark.
If you like dark crime books, in a simlar style to Scandinavian noir, I highly recommend the books of the Scottish author :

Stuart Macbride

Have a look at his books.

He writes about two bent Scottish detectives in a fictional city ( Aberdeen really ).

They are as good as the books of Jo Nesbo and super dark.
Cheers, I have read a couple of his - think the main guy was called Logan and his boss was a lesbian. I'd forgotten about him. Will seek some out.

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