Finally finished House of Leaves.Think Blood Meridian will be up at some point, not sure whether to go audiobook or physical copy yet though.
That'll be after I get my head around my recent purchase:
Been on my radar for a bit this one and it seems to be turning up a lot in discussion again at the moment.
It has a bit of a cult reputation this one and was one of the first 'viral' novels as I believe it was originally released on the internet so early physical copies were literally just bits of printed paper people had stapled together.
Also supposed to be a bit of a mindf*** to read as well... all 700 pages of it
I'll let you all know how I get on! lol
Really enjoyed it despite the few sections that are an absolute chore to get through.
Had a deep dive through the Reddit to see all the bits I missed… there are a lot, codes and clues buried within the text still being uncovered all the time, I can see why it took him 10 years to write!
Without doubt the most unique reading experience I’ve had.
Don’t ask me to explain the lot though lol