The UK panic has spread to New York I see
We broadly agree on these things. But my analysis is a reaction to the hype, which is doing the conflating to begin with (occasional hot weather = dramatic Climate Crisis).I said nothing about "hype messaging" I said responding agencies in the UK had a duty to Warn, inform and advise the public.
You're conflating two distinct things again, not sure if you're doing it deliberately or not, but warning, informing and advising about Heatwave "stay cool, stay hydrated and cover up" (which is the generic public messaging) is not the same thing as people talking about the long term effects of climate change and using a 40 degree threshold being hit as evidence of that.
The point you followed up about infrastructure...what do you think the effect on a local health economy is in the UK if a server overheats and fails is?
Or an additional 10% increase in patients through UEC pathways across that health economy?
How well prepared are UK hospitals for 38 degree + temperatures - maternity services, burns units, old buildings (around 30% of the UK hospital infrastructure is around 60 years old), medicines storage facilities, mortuary cooling, power infrastructure?
We broadly agree on these things. But my analysis is a reaction to the hype, which is doing the conflating to begin with (occasional hot weather = dramatic Climate Crisis).
You recall when it's really cold and folk wonder what happened to Global Warming? This gets answered by the usual suspects with weather is not climate!
The same doesn't seem to apply when it's really hot...but principally it should.
This doesn't really nullify the wider point of media-alarmism via increased use of the emotive colour red. Click on his Tweet, and scroll down to his 7th post. You get his genuine much different is it really? There's the dark-reds/charcoal too:
View attachment 174223
It pays to be wary of info online, even when the argument is the other side. Here I identified some misinformation (or maybe just plain misunderstanding) doing the rounds about generally what's causing the Earth getting hotter:
After some digging i realised he was referring to the Milankovitch cycles, which are mega-longterm changes to Earth's orbital distance to the sun, causing changes in average Earth temperatures over periods of millions of years. It's not a suitable explanation for the increase we've seen in the last 150 years, as NASA explained here:
Why Milankovitch (Orbital) Cycles Can't Explain Earth's Current Warming - NASA Science
In the last few months, a number of questions have come in asking if NASA has attributed Earth’s recent warming to changes in how Earth moves through space around the Sun: a series of orbital motions known as Milankovitch cycles. What cycles, you ask? Milankovitch cycles include the shape
Also this claim here that the UK 2010's were on average cooler than the decade previous: i haven't been able to verify it:
Agendas & narratives are everywhere, it's a challenge to filter them out. Even debunks (aka fact-checks) often have their own narrative at play. It's a minefield out there.
Either way, tomorrow is gonna be hot...maybe even dangerously so. Personally we'll be staying in with curtains drawn.
Long-term: it does look like average-temps are increasing, and fossil-fuels contribute. But how on Earth do we get the whole world agreeing on what to do when even a GOT-discussion rarely ends in a compromise?
Human nature is what it is...and it will adapt to what's coming, we just can't foresee how yet.
not very sporting seen as you came back here to remind me i missed your post.That was a very long way of saying "I've absolutely no idea"
Good god man, are you still trying to claim that a 2% increase is actually a decrease? I think the heat is getting to you.Toffee, i'm gonna just try to help you understand's the full quote:
2% rise is less than a 14% rise.
Here's the other full quote:
And here's what you said:
600 deaths is less than 6,600 deaths.
Here's the piece again for full reference. So yes, the media are panicking everyone, as per.
Hope it's clear now.
That sounds like one of those " if it takes 3 days for 2 men to dig 4 holes how many men does it take to dig 6 holes in 2 days" problems ?The estimate is that for every 1 degree rise in temperature, there are 75 extra deaths
you don't understand the text.Good god man, are you still trying to claim that a 2% increase is actually a decrease? I think the heat is getting to you.
Stay indoors and drink lots of water.
Put a small wet hand towel underneath your head when you go to bed. Cool pillow all night.My cool side of the pillow has buggered off and left home.
You sure?Not arsed either way at this point.