wow cool as f! Are you american?
I'm not American, but I do live here yes.
The plate it blue and white - there's an outline of Texas in between EFC and 1878.
If only I could figure out how to upload pics, I'd post one.
As with all computer things it depends on what you want.
Eh. Yeah, but not really.I built that 3 years ago for $800. I'm less familiar with cramming that into a laptop, but if you were happy with an OS other than Apple, you could have saved some money.
Eh. Yeah, but not really.
I'm no Apple-fanboy (Linux forevs), but the Macbook Pro is pretty ridiculously good stuff. Regardless of the OS the hardware is pretty hot, it's not home built (which you can't do with a laptop...safely), and it's a laptop, which always boosts cost. Additionally, the retina display is actually really nice.
I'd never get OSX for gaming anyway, but for certain tasks (video/audio editing) it's a far superior OS.
So, like everything else, depends on your goals. I like tinkering with backend systems, so a terribly cheap + a linux os and a huge amount of display space (for all the windows) is better than fast for me, for example.
Oh gawd...Very good points. I should have mentioned, mine was built more towards gaming with a little amateur home studio recording. I swerved Apple OS as I had issues with conversions/partitions in the past and my work requires non-Apple OS. I don't have anything against it, but I hate mixing Apple and other operating systems. Better to stay uniform.
I like the 16GB RAM and 256GB SSD....however, the cpu, it depends on the model. i5's can range from just better than poor, to quite good. Although generally you don't get hyper-threading on i5's...they tend to save that for the i7 range.