The Littlewoods clock.

People can shoot me down, but that clock that was only at Goodison for what was just a fraction of its life, has almost zero architectural quality and has no real place it can sit prominently within the stadium bowl or roof structure at BMD anyhow.

It cannot in the slightest be compared to the one at Arsenal that sat at Highbury for 70 years (which is almost all of its life) was installed at the request of one of their greatest managers and one of their ends named after it. That clock was moved to the Emirates but sits on the outside and a new larger version has been installed on the bowl roof.

Like @Ruairi77 has posted, if the Leitch crosses can be installed on the super riser of the South stand in a blend of old and new, then absolutely that should be looked at. They scream Everton and were apart of Goodison for 99 years.

No problems with the clock being restored and put in the Museum, where it belongs.
At the end of the day they were an advertising useful feature advertising Littlewood's - but they should never have just been dumped out - I would never expect them to be used at BMD - but perhaps on show in an historic area with other things at BMD - from the Grand old Lady ...
Know what would be good? But I'd say 99.9% impossible. To have some of the old terrace barriers dotted around the fan plaza or the west terrace. Even if it was replicas. Could also be a feature for tables insided to have a pint on.


Very random this but we got speaking to an old lad and his Mrs whilst we were out and about down on Hightown/Crosby sand dunes and beach. Talk got on to BMD. Just the usual stuff, then he tells me this old clock (the one that was in the Church corner} has been refurbished and will take its place at BMD. Lovely to believe this is the case but I now wonder how much truth is in what he said, I can find no reference to it anywhere. Cheers.

it’s in my back mate.

I don't see the appeal of this thing at all. Why would we want a cheap looking clock that was made for advertising another company and hasn't been part of the ground for 40 years to be incorporated into the new stadium?
If & when we move, the club should cash in on the memorabilia side of things - e.g. selling season tickets seats to supporters etc the rest should be found a place in BMD memorabilia etc - for instance Dixies Statue & the new Holy trinity statue have to be found place outside BMD -
Also I would like to see it named Bramley Moor Park with a sponsor's name before that name as it's not a Dock any more etc ..... Those windmills look awful to a nice wind break to hide them & of trees to protect the ground from the sea wind & a new Ferry terminus for fans to travel easier from the Wirral - The King's Dock had that all in place .....
If & when we move, the club should cash in on the memorabilia side of things - e.g. selling season tickets seats to supporters etc the rest should be found a place in BMD memorabilia etc - for instance Dixies Statue & the new Holy trinity statue have to be found place outside BMD -
Also I would like to see it named Bramley Moor Park with a sponsor's name before that name as it's not a Dock any more etc ..... Those windmills look awful to a nice wind break to hide them & of trees to protect the ground from the sea wind & a new Ferry terminus for fans to travel easier from the Wirral - The King's Dock had that all in place .....
The club have always suggested that Bramley Moore will not feature in the name due to him making his fortune from the slave trade (he was also a Tory)
