I won't say this in the new ground thread, but I've actually had a bit of a reminisce already tonight with my dad about Goodison.
We both agree that we can't wait to get to the new ground..
But, we have sat in the same seats together since 1983.
As have most around us.
We've seen deaths, marriages, divorces, births for all those who sit with us, my own kids first games etc..
And by God have we seen some football.
My dad obviously goes far further back with Everton than 1983, and his memories include those with his dad, my grandad.
World Cup games FFS.. Imagine that now ?
Sat down with me grandad who told me about Dixie Dean etc.. Still with a glint in his eye as he told tales..
Let's hope we all make it to see us in our new home on the docks, as life has a habit of biting us on the Arse.