Is it on loud ?Ahhhh, nice cup of tea and a couple of bickies . While watching Metallica at Reading Recorded it on the BBC i- player .
Still have the techno know- how.
I worked in a restaurant were the head chef played Metallica all day and night, every day and night - loud. I no longer like Metallica.Loud enough
* and I'm not deaf , b4 you ask![]()
I worked in a restaurant were the head chef played Metallica all day and night, every day and night - loud. I no longer like Metallica.
I worked in a shop for four weeks one Christmas. They had one CD of 'Christmas music' played continually. Wizard, Slade etc. To paraphrase Greg Lake : I don't believe in Father Christmas.Years ago we had a fella who made our printing screens who was a real Metal Head . Iron Maiden was his band of choice . With a splattering of Sabbath/Zeppelin/ Purple etc thrown in for good measure . Whereas us on the factory floor are subjected to the local radio station . Consisting of pop crap. If I hear Taylor Swift one more time I won't be held responsible
OkDon't mention Xmas ffs . I turn 50 ffs ........Oh ffs
Any Easter eggs ?Talking of Christmas.
I went in to my local supermarket and what do I see?
Christmas Puddings
Did you buy any ?Started seeing Chritmas stuff in Aug!
A tanner 2 & 1/2 p went in once never again it was an awful vantage point to see the game , and that high pitch boy chanting - and the kids climbing up the metal fencing blocking your view, any way I can say I stood on the boys pen!I wasn't tough enough mate....