Requested to be banned
Oh will you just [Poor language removed] off Kenwright with your car journey sh*t..
Chauffeur driven Merc.. Paid for by the club more like... Tit.
Baines is an integral part of the team, we can't lose him. He is at an age where he should be playing at the highest level and he does deserve regular European cup football and regular England time. This could be one of his last chances to have this opportunity unless Everton are to achieve qualification in the next couple of years but we are a long way of even being in contention if winning it like Man Utd are.
Monaco have spent more in 1 year then we have in 7SOMEONE JUST FCKING TAKE US OVER, THERE IS LOADS OF BILLIONAIRES IN THE WORLD!
Pablo Aimar has just left Benfica on a free. Injury prone, and old, but would still be fantastic for a season.