This nurse Letby case

How much violence are you happy with doled out dragging individuals to verdicts? Would you like the verdict secretly known first so no bones get broken or no teeth get knocked out for those that'll come in not guilty? Similarly those on for a guilty can have a little extra violence? Obviously the state will have to train and pay regional ninja squads just for this purpose. Maybe even televise it? Sponsored by 'Fat Terry's knuckle dusters', "punching power we can all enjoy...."

They would be forcibly moved in prison if they do not move there so what's the difference.
That's not law, that's not justice, that's not civilisation. Andrew Malkinson case - how does the rape victim feel now that the wrong man took the fall and the guilty party got off scott free to potentially offend again. As much as we like it or not, a part of the judicial system is the rehabilitation and reform of individuals that have been found to have commit a variety of crime/s
What could be more just than a person found guilty being forced to attend their sentencing and face justice in person? One miscarriage of justice shouldn't mean we lose faith in the entire system. Show some backbone man. We teach children to own their actions.
I'm not sure how you work that out like.

My view was to keep an open mind as the prosecution evidence was getting knocked out of the ball park...which is reflected by the fact there's such a mixed bag of verdicts.

Maybe read posts first before you comment? <-------- Genuine advice btw. Not looking for an argument.
How is there a mixed bag? She was found unanimously guilty of two murders. On six others the jury weren't satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt. That looks like a jury doing its job to me. You do know it is the job of the defence to make the prosecution evidence look weak? Looks like the defence lawyer took you on a bit of a ride. Thankfully the jury were a bit less feeble minded.

And err, just to clarify, the right to not turn up to sentencing has existed (in law!) for how many decades? Suddenly it's some huge issue. Suddenly.
Lots of things exist for ages and then get changed. What's your point? Seems like a very odd thing for you to fixate on. What's the downside of someone being forced to attend sentencing?
Psychopathy is a specific medical condition. You can't be " a bit of a psycho". You either are or you aren't.
Based on what I have read - Psychopathy is mainly a way of classifying a personality type. It's not like being pregnant or having the measles where there is a physical test. There are a range of behaviour types which indicate a sociopathic personality type, narcissism, grandiosity, lack of empathy, casual approach towards the truth, manipulative behaviour, superficial charm. Sociopaths can be functioning members of society and can often be very successful (although they don't make the best friends, partners or employers). Some will have all or only some of these traits and to different degrees (some posters on here have a fair few of them). Psychopaths are people with sociopathic traits that inflict harm on others usually as a result of some trauma (often in childhood).
The current situation might be the least worst. How would those on trial be forced to attend verdicts? beat em up? sedate them? gun point? What if they just shout for hours through it? Threats abuse and worse.
A very worrying topic has again reared it's head - Andrew Malkinson was found guilty of rape - wrongly. Once upon a time he'd have been executed, and his blood on the hands of the state, and those that fit him up.
Been plenty of cases of the guilty goading victims families and friends at sentencing. Populist nonsense and it this point she will become some weird cult figure perpetuated by people who want to gawp at her at sentencing, it's a modern day victorian freak show. I would rather not have her image her name in my space. Would rather know her victims and remember them.

Apparently, that unit "usually" had a mortality rate of 3 babies a year. Ones that died on her watch were injected with insulin, over fed, had air injected into the blood stream, and in one, had a metal object rammed down its throat.

I have no idea if infant deaths are treated any differently from adult deaths in hospital, inquest wise. But anyrate, in my non medical trained, but hospital experienced, it seems absolutely nailed down.

Even if we were to remotely consider the 0.0001% chance all the deaths were accidental with no malicious intentions whatsoever, she should still go to prison for life for not holding her hands up for being a horrifically incompetent nurse. 1 or 2 could regrettably be chalked down to being unlucky or circumstances out of someone's control led to a distraction in care, but by the 3rd you should be like this job isn't for me.
It appears* there has never been a law to make it a legal obligation to turn up at court for sentencing. Hmmm.

So in hundreds of years it appears* nothing. Hmmm.

I wonder with social media, and 24 hour news, and the hype of the common mp, that suddenly a system that was not previously broken suddenly needs fixing. Hmmm.

Andrew Malkinson, Barry George, the Guildford four, The Bridgewater four, the Maguire six, the Cardiff five, I wonder, how much 'force' (see violence) is it the bloodthirsty would like to see done? So they've been battered and dragged to sentencing, they scream innocent throughout, how much more 'force' (violence again) would you like doled out for your satisfaction and their silence?

After all, it's not happening to you is it, what's that phrase? ah yes.... "I'm alright Jack!"
It appears* there has never been a law to make it a legal obligation to turn up at court for sentencing. Hmmm.

So in hundreds of years it appears* nothing. Hmmm.

I wonder with social media, and 24 hour news, and the hype of the common mp, that suddenly a system that was not previously broken suddenly needs fixing. Hmmm.

Andrew Malkinson, Barry George, the Guildford four, The Bridgewater four, the Maguire six, the Cardiff five, I wonder, how much 'force' (see violence) is it the bloodthirsty would like to see done? So they've been battered and dragged to sentencing, they scream innocent throughout, how much more 'force' (violence again) would you like doled out for your satisfaction and their silence?

After all, it's not happening to you is it, what's that phrase? ah yes.... "I'm alright Jack!"
This is a bit unhinged. Yes, miscarriages of justice have happened and continue to happen. But if we back the system enough to deprive people of their liberty in the knowledge that there is a small chance that a miscarriage of justice has occurred then forcing a person found guilty by the system to face the judge and hear his sentence seems a very small ask. You’re clearly very exercised about it but I have no idea why. I’m open minded. Please tell why you think it is wrong.

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