This nurse Letby case

The shouts about her being a middle class white girl and, because of that, she's getting a more sympathetic hearing than others convicted would have got, are utterly immaterial to this case. Anyone making or repeating those assertions are embarrassing themselves.

The hard evidence to convict Letby has always been thin on the ground, and it's getting weaker by the day. Certainly - if the swipe card data used in her first trial is confirmed as having been 'mislabelled' - the case against her will fall way short of 'guilty beyond reasonable doubt'.

In any case swipe card data is unreliable: lots of times there's holding of doors open for others (as we've no doubt all seen happen at hospitals) rather than doors getting swiped, so that skews data on who's accessing a unit at any particular time. It was always a very dodgy way to convict someone.

Overall: none of the initial post mortems carried out on the babies found that they’d died of unnatural causes. It was only when two senior consultants responsible for this ward got worried about the high mortality rate (which would impact on their careers) did it get off the ground as a murder inquiry and unnatural causes reintroduced into the investigation. The 'whistle blowers' in this respect were looking to set up a scapegoat - a nurse - and the Trust were only too happy to go along with it.

This is a classic miscarriage of justice, but those who've taken up a position against Letby are going to have to be carried kicking and screaming to recognise it.
This is just as likely a scenario as anything so far "proven" in a court ...
This is just as likely a scenario as anything so far "proven" in a court ...
The evidence has always been chronically weak.

The overwhelming likelihood here is that a neo-natal unit has been run into the ground by a Trust, and the senior consultants who went along with it have thrown a nurse under the bus for it.

How on earth she was convicted as a killer 'beyond reasonable doubt' is beyond most right thinking people.
How on earth she was convicted as a killer 'beyond reasonable doubt' is beyond most right thinking people.

Well, the arguments must have been persuasive. Alas, these arguments were made by, no doubt charismatic, people in authority who really should have known better ...

Nurses wonder if they are next in this modern witch hunt.


Nurses wonder if they are next in this modern witch hunt.

It was a disturbing case where a failing hospital trust and its senior consultants connived to make their horrific records go away in one fell swoop by throwing a nurse under a bus.

Those below that in the hospital chain have everything to fear due to the Letby miscarriage of justice. The statistical evidence is corrupted and the anecdotal evidence was downright lies.
It was a disturbing case where a failing hospital trust and its senior consultants connived to make their horrific records go away in one fell swoop by throwing a nurse under a bus.

Those below that in the hospital chain have everything to fear due to the Letby miscarriage of justice. The statistical evidence is corrupted and the anecdotal evidence was downright lies.

In your opinion ( which doesn’t really count for much tbh )
In your opinion ( which doesn’t really count for much tbh )
You need to hold your hands up here.

The witchunt you've been on is there for all to see in this thread.

Now the conviction looks about as secure as our defence you should be reflecting on your error, not talking down other people's opinions who've been spot on in keeping an open mind, as a lot of us have about this case.
You need to hold your hands up here.

The witchunt you've been on is there for all to see in this thread.

Now the conviction looks about as secure as our defence you should be reflecting on your error, not talking down other people's opinions who've been spot on in keeping an open mind, as a lot of us have about this case.

We shall see.

She’s got more charges coming her way, ample opportunity for the internet CID to put their conspiracy theories forward as part of her defence.

Head of steam building towards a review here. Troubling.

There was a Barrister who specialises in appeals on the news this morning, who said in his opinion, he’d read nothing that could warrant a mistrial and that the only way there could be a fresh appeal, would be if new evidence was presented before the court.

He also said internet conspiracy nutters, are driving the crackpot theories, that it was one of the biggest stitch ups in British legal history.

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