Definitely!Too far? Maybe
Definitely!Too far? Maybe
If this thing is in the debris field, with how the debris field has been poured over for certain things* it'll be found so long as the weather and season for search allows, so could well be this month. Those square miles of seabed are (after the oil hot spots) the most searched and documented on the planet.
It's a home run if they've crash landed in the bow though, again recent documentation of the wreck will pick it out in seconds, the moneys there, it could be the life insurance types that fund it. The Bernoulli's brigade will be on with fluid and flow models about expected trajectory, it can't have gone that far from breach. This is also a modern composite item, the stuff rusting down there has had 111 years to decay. It's the boilers that stand last, and they're unstable in the aft section.
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Olympic's screws.
I may have mixed up bow and aft. Bow is front, aft is rear? Wait, where's stern? Theres definitely great big basssturd boilers in the rear section, I've seen em, I'm trying to find the national geographic online spread from 2017/2018 that described the decay as for 'Picasso fans' but it seems to have been pulled. Apparently put together with a mosaic of close up shots. Tech 5/6 years on has meant its all the limited rubbish from earlier this year.Agree that they should be able to run the same survey they have recently completed and spot the difference.
I would say if it lost power that soon into the dive it would be a million to one shot it would hit Titanic, with still a mile left to go likely it would have gone nose down and glided down away from the wreck site.
Also sorry to be pedantic but there are no boilers in the aft section of the wreck. The reciprocating engines can be seen protruding out of the split there. Boilers from rooms 1 and 2 spilled out of the ship at the surface and are in the debris field. Boliers rooms 3 to 6 are likely to be intact and are in the bow section.
I may have mixed up bow and aft. Bow is front, aft is rear? Wait, where's stern? Theres definitely great big basssturd boilers in the rear section, I've seen em, I'm trying to find the national geographic online spread from 2017/2018 that described the decay as for 'Picasso fans' but it seems to have been pulled. Apparently put together with a mosaic of close up shots. Tech 5/6 years on has meant its all the limited rubbish from earlier this year.
Half found it, it's been made 'premium'
This is actually Olympic, mislabelled Titanic.
Sounds like The Poon has been huffing submersible farts this evening.I may have mixed up bow and aft. Bow is front, aft is rear? Wait, where's stern? Theres definitely great big basssturd boilers in the rear section, I've seen em, I'm trying to find the national geographic online spread from 2017/2018 that described the decay as for 'Picasso fans' but it seems to have been pulled. Apparently put together with a mosaic of close up shots. Tech 5/6 years on has meant its all the limited rubbish from earlier this year.
I believe the stern/aft/back of the boat corkscrewed down because of gravitys pull on the mass of the boilers. Hence the odd shapes to the impact zone and a part explanation to the drift between the two main bodies of the wreck total.The stern is part of the aft section.
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The tall towers at the very back are the engines, bolier room 1 would have been to the right of the picture above behind a watertight compartment but that was decimated by the break up and the decent.
You might tempt me along one day sugar-plum...Sounds like The Poon has been huffing submersible farts this evening.
It’s mind blowing how close Marschall’s paintings are to the full 3D scans that were released a couple weeks ago. They obviously aren’t a 1-1 match, but for him to have pieced them together so accurately in his mind simply from hundreds of photos of small sections is incredible.The stern is part of the aft section.
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The tall towers at the very back are the engines, bolier room 1 would have been to the right of the picture above behind a watertight compartment but that was decimated by the break up and the decent.
I believe the stern/aft/back of the boat corkscrewed down because of gravitys pull on the mass of the boilers. Hence the odd shapes to the impact zone and a part explanation to the drift between the two main bodies of the wreck total.