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You're missing the point. The risk is a second impact; fortunately it didn't happen, but it could have. Your arguement it akin to defending defending drink driving as safe because you didn't crash on the way home last night.
I don't think I am. The idea that people believe that medical professionals don't know about 2nd impact injuries or think they'd risk being discredited, fired, or even sent to prison for malpractice because of the must win game is what I disagree with. They know more about it than us armchair pundits.
There's literally hardly any data to support a heightened risk of 2nd impact injuries in football to a level that has needed a huge review, hence why it hasn't been done. The concern is the idea that it COULD happen based on studies into more robust contact sports such as Rugby and the NFL. As with any contact sport...there's risks.
Untill you see the stats and records these professionals use to make judgements about this area, I can't see what those medics did wrong last night.