This is the sort of tackle which will decide opinion. In football today we happen to have an old school who will look back to the days of the midfield enforcer, the guy who put in the crunching tackles. The faction who feel today's game has lost some of it's manly qualities. I have some sympathy with this view, I hate the players who fall over when someone brushes up against them. I really hate it when tv pundits say "he was entitled to fall as there was contact". I don't think the rules state it is a foul if you make contact.
However I differ on tackling, I think Dier's tackle was a foul, he was't in control of his follow through, he had both feet off the ground and there was a scissors action. All clearly against today's rules.
If you are of the opinion this type of tackle should be allowed in today's game, argue for that. If you feel "playing the ball' should make any tackle legal then that is your argument.
User's tackle was clearly against the rules of football today, it was a foul.