No, deep doesn't mean defensive, unless you'd class Pirlo and Makelele as the same sort of player? You can't really class playing in a midfield 3 as being pushed out wide and say that playing deep isn't fair and say that he's not an attacking midfielder. You're basically saying he's got to play a very very specific role in the team there.So if he's playing cm and he's pushed deeper then he's playing as a defensive midfielder, isn't he? Where he was mainly used as legs for Rooney. Which pretty much choked and creativity out of the lad.
I said he was playing as a right midfielder still classed as the midfield 3 but more pushed out to the right to link up with Kenny. You might not remember it but I do. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree or maybe I'm just explaining it well. He wasn't played as a proper cm is my point.