But I haven’t given up yet, come on Tom, dazzle us with your tussled blond locks and socks around your ankles! COYB
Agree, never hid. Just never had it all, but showed more heart than the rest.Many a game when sig and others where hiding behind players, Tom was aleast showing and asking for the ball. Tom's big downfall is he is slow and one speed
Don’t jump the gun with Gordon, at the same age Davies tore city apart.Sadly for lots of us Tom was the player we wanted to make it. Playing with consistently [Poor language removed] midfield partners from his early days hasn’t helped. But the same can be said of Gordon, yet he has performed even when everyone else hasn’t. In my forever hopeful little mind I still keep hoping that it will just click and he’ll somehow find a way to perform, but this is Everton…
Anything but a coward.Cowardly, really, for all his limitations he is not a coward.
I bet he doesnt sign it with a plastic pen.Rumours of a new contact for Tom.
Bro I hope he signs up and ruins your man Ryan Warro’s opps. Scouse power.I bet he doesnt sign it with a plastic pen.
No.Bro I hope he signs up and ruins your man Ryan Warro’s opps. Scouse power.
Cowardly is one word you cannot use against Davies, for years when times where bad and others didn’t want to know he never shyed away, was always open and wanted to try and impact things, regardless of wether he had the talent or not.
There is so many more past and present players I would label as a coward before him.
Dilko ferocious on multiple fronts tonight.
We have a new challenger.
Who do you wish to take to the Arena?Not at all, it's just the facts, Davies started out with us a brilliant young talent and the last couple of season he has been a liability in midfield, pulled out of tackles and showed a lack of confidence. I like the kid and I hope he rediscovers that early form he had, but he was awful up to his injury.