Any help understanding trains, train schedules, train etiquette, etc, etc, especially for Yanks?
Specifically Heathrow to Lime Street, but any general advice is appreciated.
Best bet is have a look on or plain old Google route planner with public transport
Can be done in about 4 hours depending on which terminal and luck with connections etc. but more likely to take you 5-6 hours.
Heathrow to central London you have the tube (45mins and horrible), Heathrow Express but that goes to Paddington so need to change to the tube for Euston, or the new Elizebeth Line which is probably the easiest and nicest.
You need to get to Euston for the Lime Street train, but Kings Cross St Pancras to Euston is only a 5 min walk if it’s easier to get there.
Etiquette wise, whatever you do, DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT OR ATTEMPT SMALL TALK WITH ANY OTHER TRAVELLERS! You will get the wrong idea about brits if you do, as that sort of behaviour is frowned upon and met with contempt.
Keep to the right on the escalators or you will be barged into and snarled at by very important people with very important places to be.
Do not stand directly in front of the tube doors if people are primed to get off as they will barge past and attempt to trample you underfoot.
Once you are on a Liverpool bound train that is all out the window and feel free to engage with anyone you care to.
Ps - have you looked at flights from LHR to John Lennon or Manchester?