If we keep Stones (which I'm not convinced we will) I'm actually not arsed about a defender. Browning and Galloway are decent back ups, and if one of them has to step in then they have to take their chance.
Number 10/Winger would be nice, but again, the players are there within the squad to do a job - Barkley, Del, Kev are as talented a bunch as we're going to see behind the striker without mega investment. Its a case of managing them correctly and getting the best out of them. Osman, Pienaar, Connor, McGeady are semi-able deputies.
Coming round to the idea that the most pressing need is a striker to give Rom competition. Rather than a hold up player, I'd like to see a Tevez, Saurez type, someone who can press and worry defenders with acceleration. Wouldn't mind seeing some sort of punt at this, any ideas? Could Shaqiri play this role?