She was the only one I'd heard of being involved is why. It was the crap jokes that didn't land that made me think of her as well.
The plot is an absolute mess though.
Blofeld has a bomb planted at vesper's tomb and spectre agents ready to show up but he didn't actually want them to kill him he says later on. Just wanted him to question the missus and jib her off.
The first half of the film was actually alright but then it just goes off the wall after Felix dies. Why is M working on a side lab developing biological nanobot weapons? Oh and he doesn't see it coming that they would be used as a weapon like this. So bad.
Malek's villain wants revenge on Spectre and then what? Gets that sorted and then just decides he wants Bonds missus? He's going to spread his nanobots for revenge on what? Something about people wanting oblivion?
The ending was all over the place. Still don't think they needed to off Bond so conclusively for a send off.
It was a mess from start to finish.
At least thirty mins too long and big parts of the film, that just felt like filler.
A criminal waste of a fine cast.