VAR is a simple idea that’s messed up in the way it’s applied and by some of the idiots manning the monitors. Keep it for goal line issues and let’s go back to referees and their assistants officiating the game, mistakes and all……
I wonder if fans would like a system in tennis or cricket where each club gets 3 VAR reviews per game?

The referee would make all on field decisions, and if a manager is unhappy with a particular call he can send it to VAR for a review. That would limit VAR to only six interactions per match. In addition, VAR would still also rule out goals that were offside as per its original remit.

It would certainly cut down VAR’s involvement within the game.
I keep seeing it suggested but I think its the worst possible idea I just can't see how it could ever work that way in football and 6 reviews is probably a lot more than the average game has anyway so it would mean more VAR not less.
I keep seeing it suggested but I think its the worst possible idea I just can't see how it could ever work that way in football and 6 reviews is probably a lot more than the average game has anyway so it would mean more VAR not less.
You'd start getting some ridiculously frivolous VAR checks as well to kill the game
I've always thought linos got a lot more right than wrong. They had the occasional howler like the Terry equaliser but on the whole they were better Pre VAR

They're pretty good at it though to be fair. I don't mind the odd marginal call being wrong myself I can live with that in fact I'd much rather that than being pulled up for being a millimetre offside that isn't really the point of the offside law as far as i'm concerned.

You’re both right - and to be honest I’d rather take genuine human error in the split second decision making over people drawing lines on a screen where their biases can mean pixels or frames are chosen that best suits the outcome their subconscious wants.

I just mean to observe that offside is technically impossible to judge live, except through experience and inference.

My overall point is that I’d be more than happy for a cold machine that can’t see club badges to be the judge - and make any mistakes it does in a random, unbiased way.

So a compromise then, scrap it until it’s improved sufficiently, rather than use a poor system in a live environment.

But I would point out that you ignored the bit of my post, about the difficulty of nailing down subjective decisions.

Jesus, I’m not looking for a fight.

I didn’t ignore anything. I didn’t address it because I 100% agree with you. If it’s a definitive binary decision (Hawkeye/snickometer/goal line tech) then there’s no argument. If it’s a subjective decision, then someone will argue with you. Subjective decisions are a part of sport, VAR or otherwise. They need to find a way around it.

No, do not scrap it. Develop it in a live environment, it’s the only way to improve it.
Jesus, I’m not looking for a fight.

I didn’t ignore anything. I didn’t address it because I 100% agree with you. If it’s a definitive binary decision (Hawkeye/snickometer/goal line tech) then there’s no argument. If it’s a subjective decision, then someone will argue with you. Subjective decisions are a part of sport, VAR or otherwise. They need to find a way around it.

No, do not scrap it. Develop it in a live environment, it’s the only way to improve it.

Chill man, no ones fighting. We just disagree.

I’d prefer to get it right before everyone uses it, and have severe concerns that subjective decisions can never be “got right”, but am for var on matters of fact. But differences of opinion are fine.

(Maybe we should get var to adjudicate this discussion). ;)
The main reason why VAR is so bad is because of the incompetence of the people who are using it. The match and VAR officials are mostly all abysmal so until that is improved (which is unlikely) VAR will continue to be crap and needs binning.

Don’t agree I’m afraid. VAR will always be subjective because football is.
Look at the 3 penalty appeals against Ashley Young v Forest - ten people would have ten different opinions on those incidents.

Keep goal line technology and bin the rest.
I understand, of course its subjective, but it doesn't need a second layer of subjectivity that is dependent on what the on field ref has already done.
I would trust the over ruling decision of one person with access to replays etc than this mixture we currently have
If it were to continue as is I would prefer it were binned too but I do think it can be incorporated much better. Other sports do it much better
The main reason why VAR is so bad is because of the incompetence of the people who are using it. The match and VAR officials are mostly all abysmal so until that is improved (which is unlikely) VAR will continue to be crap and needs binning.

It's overstepping what it was designed to do. It should be there to cut out the absolute howlers only. If you have to look at something from 5 different angles 15 times, it isn't clear and obvious!

Somehow our VAR has decided to become the remote referee. That said probably the Forest game was a good example of what it should be like. It had contentious moments but if you can't work out in a couple of seconds it's wrong, go with the on field decision.

The problem is everyone jumps on that in the media after the game and then they feel they have to pick it up the next time around. And because of that there will always be pressure to use it for almost everything, so they need to bin it.

Challenges might be an option around that but we need to make sure the game isn't broken up like it has been under VAR.
If the choice is keep it as it is or get rid, I'd rather get rid.

But I'd rather have a review system. Both teams get a review a half. If you win your appeal you keep your review.
The problem with reviews is that they will inevitably be used for time wasting.

If you’re leading 1-0 and there have been no contentious decisions, you’re absolutely going to crack out a VAR review for nothing on 88 minutes, just to frustrate the opposition and break their rhythm.

Or if a team equalises late on, it’ll be reviewed by the other team because why not give it a shot.

It’d happen all the time, like pointlessly late substitutions do, or players going down for nothing and holding up play.
Let’s just go back. Nobody was actually going mad over offside calls, if there was no daylight then you’d accept it as level.

The problem was big decisions favouring the big teams - and that hasn’t changed one bit.

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