I'm a veggie. I like Mars bars too much to go the next step
Kin preach to them mate.I havent eaten any meat or fish in about 8 years. Increased my veg, fuut, pulses etc intake as a result and have felt far healthier as a result. More or less Vegan at this stage. Still occasionally will have something with milk or eggs in it as ut can be difficult to avoid sometimes.
Wouldn't preach to anyone mind you, each to their own.
I believe the brewing industry utilize fish swim bladders in filtering some of their products, and of course, animal products for shoes and belts and coats and what not. Then there's the, erm, elephant in the room, no not classic snooker where the balls were ivory, but the use of animal testing for genuinely medicinal purposes, then the cosmetic industry. And them chimps didn't always make it back from space. Bit of a hot topic this one. Well, if you delve deep enough.I havent eaten any meat or fish in about 8 years. Increased my veg, fuut, pulses etc intake as a result and have felt far healthier as a result. More or less Vegan at this stage. Still occasionally will have something with milk or eggs in it as ut can be difficult to avoid sometimes.
Wouldn't preach to anyone mind you, each to their own.
Buy British.A very large percentage of all the food we eat is vegan.
What I don't get is how they happily pick on the unborn babies of plants and trees and deny them any life. If they were truly committed extremists they would survive sucking minerals. Each to their own though.
Doesn't corn fed chicken count?I've been mainly vegan so far today?
I had an apple and banana for lunch.
Although I've had milk in my coffee so not totally vegan.
And I'm having chicken for my tea so definitely not going to make it all day being vegan.
In my defense, the chicken was dead when I found it (in Aldi) so really I'm just recycling.
Save the planet!!
We're all technically vegan between coursesI’m on a 36 hour fast so am technically vegan today.