I still believe mate that what we should do at the very least is open up the can of worms by bidding openly right now and at a 65m starting point.
the rs are waiting till the media attention on them tapping up dies down then will try to get it done under the radar and for a much lower price, effectively meaning they tapped him up and got ultimately what they wanted - the player for a lower price.
Bid 65m - then even if the player doesn't want to come here, saints are put into the situation, that they cannot then sell him for less than that without their fans rioting effectively.
the rs won't pay that, and even if they somehow manage it, long term it will damage them in bringing others in as they don't have a limitless pot of money.
PLUS, there is an outside chance that even if the player has set his mind on going there, that we offer the money and the rs balk and won't match it, that it changes ghis mind as they are showing they aren't willing to back up their promises of wanting him that badly to pay for it...