I was dating a pe teacher at our school (for the absolutely necessary sake of clarity here, I too was a teacher at the school). A problem arose when two inseparable Year 8 girls (who I also taught) developed a crush on her. When they heard the rumours that I was dating their object if desire, their behaviour with me suddenly changed- instead of being fairly normal, they became argumentative and challenging.
Then one Saturday morning I opened my lounge curtains and they were stood on the other side of the road staring at the house like the twins in the shining. It was winter and they were glaring there all day because my girlfriend's car was parked outside and they had clocked it. It was effing creepy - and all this before stalking was a thing talked about in the media. Add to that children's imagination and ability to make things up, without understanding the consequences to careers etc., the girlfriend and I were both a bit scared.
Obviously I reported this to the Head the following Monday and it was dealt with very well, with meetings with parents and Ed psyche (in the days that the local authority could afford such people). Slowly things returned to normal.