Doesn't make me a racist to have real fears that a dramatic rise in the Islamic population of Great Britain would be disastrous.
I thought you were better than this. NIK has made some fair points, but you try to tie him to EDL or BNP and tbf that is not what he has been saying. If you can't argue the point with him by virtue of balanced argument please don't try to vilify him by association to some far right or left grouping. He is making some fair points, just do the same.......
Yep always get a few ****s attaching themselves to things like this. Another reason I couldn't ever really support them. In the early days it literally was just a group for racists to hide behind. But as I say, there are black people and various other groups of people in The EDL so a video with a few idiots in doesn't really say much to me. There are racists in all walks of life, doesn't mean everyone is one. And anyway, The EDL or The BNP or whatever group you wish to tarnish me with are irrelvent. Youre merely hiding from the subject and stopping it getting spoken about. Again, if people listened and stopping throwing the r word around without knowing what it means, then The EDL wouldn't need to exist.
I think these black people and Sikhs you reference as members of the EDL are the very definition of a token inclusion.
And the smackdown was layed. Tbh he might go a bit far here. Anyway, search his video 'im offended'. THAT is the one I wish people to break down, if they can be arsed, and tell me he's wrong.
The grooming gang epidemic can be justified by 'sharia law', and there are certain groups of muslims who go around enforcing sharia in 'muslim areas' by taking drink off people etc etc but I agree its not particullaly a wide problem. But it will be.Where is there any evidence of sharia law or an increasing muslim population directly impacting any traditional white/western country in any material way?
Where is there any evidence that traditional white/western people would just roll over and accept an material encroachment in their modern democratic rights?
Unless you can answer these mate you are just scaremongering.
Trying to use the fact that the EDL have Sikh's and black people in its ranks to indicate that it cannot be racist is ridiculous.There were hundreds of thousands of Jews that voted for the Nazi's. By that logic the Nazi's didn't have a racial element to it.
I think this is one of the key issues. Nik and others are linking a rise in the Islamic population to a direct rise in the extent and coverage of sharia law - and the resultant drive down of traditional UK freedoms.
I don't believe there is any proven link there at all and to date there is no suggestion that there is any serious rise in sharia law in this country - let alone anything that directly affects the average "Englishman".
I believe it is all scaremongering of the worst kind. I have two young daughters. If I seriously thought there was a genuine "threat" from a rising Muslim population in this country then I'd do something about it.