donates monthly wage*

donates monthly wage*
full time 1-1, cant really complain with a point away to a team who's beaten Chelsea, Liverpool and arsenal this season
Think instead of planes over Goodison we should club together and buy Zat a new laptop/tablet that post's upside down.
i like it, brings a different rhythm to reading.
carry on, Zat
lol at you
Well, it wasnt addressed to me but just seemed a bit of a meltdown all things considered....and the actual post wasnt exactly queens english.
Thought it must have been tongue in cheek.
Wow! How did you find that out?She is basically a racist who likes to f' her own cocker spaniel whilst listening to the bee gee's mate
I have a samsung s5 mate.Its so weird, Samsung S5...literally just puts text at the top...cant help it. Odd its only me with this issue.
I have a samsung s5 mate.
If you're using chrome or dolphin browser I have no idea how you are unable to post below the quote.
Please quote me correctly or kindly don't quote me at all.