Player Valuation: £60m
All that sounds great mate but you're right it has its downsides like you've mentioned.This ^^^.
My previous job gave me great time off …. 4 days away then 8 days home but the 4 days were 24 hour shifts, if you had a bad shift it was a nightmare. Don’t get me wrong, the flip side of it was great getting outdoors and playing on kayaks or mountain bikes etc but it was heavily outweighed by the bad. The first 2-3 days you were home were spent getting over the previous 4 days and catching up on sleep. Then you could enjoy the next couple of days before the realisation that you were going back away again in 2 days started to hit and the sick feeling in your stomach would start to rise. My job now is stressful in its own way but also enjoyable, I’ve stepped in to manage a team who have no manager for a few months so at the moment I’m constantly trying to put out fires everywhere but I enjoy it and the challenges it throws up… I actually get to use my grey matter for a change which is good.
I dont mind a little bit of stress in a job sometimes as it keeps you alert but if its constant then you dont enjoy your time off as your thinking about the job and dreading going back into work, that's not how life should be imo.
It also rubs of on the family when you get home and its not fair on them.