Seamus Colemole
Previously deathbyropeandglass
Don't like people who are not proud to be English, regardless of situation.
This country is on its arse because the stupid government relaxed immigration laws to the point of bursting. Your not allowed to support England without people looking at you and picturing you with a hooded mask on or goose stepping.
So when I hear people ****ging off my country in whatever shape or form I don't like it.
You have started a thread which is not necessary in this climate, if you don't like England, then perhaps you should refrain from saying so.
I grew up watching England play football, rugby, cricket, Great Britian in the Olympics, and that makes me proud.
I am proud that Everton give our young English players a chance.
I am proud of the effort the boys abroad put in when battling idiotic cultures.
And in a country where we have people knifing themselves in South London, people shooting themselves in Liverpool, drugs being dealt all over the place, areas of the nation being segregated by ethnic minorities - watching England perform is a proud moment for me, and for many people. If you don't like England, don't live here.
Right, so sport is light relief. Its a way to unite the nation. Nothing does that like a World Cup or the Ashes.
Those in America who are patriotic are loyal to their government and sing the national anthem proudly.
Our government is a joke and always will be, but there are still parts of the UK to be immensely proud of.
Where I live for a kick off is a testament to conserving England. However up the road the pathetic council are knocking down historical housing and turfing out people who have lived there for years, to build taller building to house more immigrants.
Is that right? No.
But nothing we can really do apart from not vote.
Now when England football team play we get flashes of what its like to be English. The anthem, the flags, the 3 lions.
But like I say, if you don't like it then just leave, but don't make statements that you hate England, but then choose to live there.
Doesn't sound like you like it much either.