Who's your money on in the takeover 'battle'?

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He was wrong. "Expected" doesn't cut it when he posts conjecture as fact.

I quoted what he actually said. So you were wrong.
Bill Kenwright was expected to resign. The departing executives expected him to resign as well as was widely reported.

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It was Bill Kenwright that refused to go (we all know because of his ego) and Moshiri had difficulty removing him due to Rights and Media Funding.

I think some people don't quite grasp, like with the Witsel thing, circumstances change at the last second, just like with Witsel. Esk gives his views but that is all they are. Views.

In this case the thread constantly goes on about Esk, rather than the content of what he is saying.

He's saying that Moshiri is messing around again, and that should concern everyone associated with the club.

I don't advocate any new owner. None of them have given sufficient information on their suitability to key stakeholders (fans & shareholders). However, I am concerned with Moshiri's antics.

We do have very little information about any of the bidders but that's how it should be, and we have found out in the past whoever shouts the loudest it doesn't work out very well for them and I always adopt the notion that they are trying to convince themselves and nobody else

101% im hoping the quiet ones (MSP) are the winners. I think some are trying to promote themselves (Acap) and boost their own credibility rather than being serious bidders...but who knows.

So you’re just guessing then? It could be literally anyone. The fact the story started with the idea Michael Dell was behind the bid shows it didn’t come from the horses mouth.

The only group who would benefit are B&M. Not to mention Esks comments on MSD as well supporting Dell involvement further than a similar Burnley loan.

None of the other groups benefit from leaking that.
This really is TheEsk thread now and it should not be but FWIW:

As someone who has known him for years professionally and personally some of the criticism is absurd. He is late/end career, successful, wealthy by most standards (not own a PL club standard) and very well connected in Investment Banking, Private Equity and Corprate Lawyer circles.

The ‘lad on the internet’ stuff is way off base but like everyone who offers a lot of opinions some will be wrong. Directionally it is hard to argue he was wrong on Moshiri or 777 over the last year but there have been misfires historically.

Having said that, he has always tended to talk in certainties where I see probabilities and I find myself disagreeing with quite a lot of what he is saying right now around the takeover. My hunch is he is involved/advising Bell & Downing but his health issues may also be driving some personally urgency to see us turn a corner, leading to less critical scrutiny on their bid than it merits because he has some personal connections.

In any event it is Moshiri, advised by Deloitte, who will make the decision. His is ultimately the only opinion that counts. I would like to see some evidence he understands the urgency and I wish I had confidence in his decisions. Esk’s errors occupy threads on here, Moshiri (and Kenwright) errors have threatened the very future of our club. Perspective!

Moving on ASAP from Moshiri to anyone who is not crooked/vulture capitalists (not you A-Cap) or fantasists (where I personally have Manoukian until proven otherwise) is vital for our future. MSP or B&D (or better still all of them collaborating) would be a small step forwards to put grown-ups in charge, even if neither represent the ‘dream ticket’.
I would have thought that a mega deal such as this would be conducted with the utmost secrecy. Every bid will have to contain a level of both borrowing and equity and Moshiri will be looking to maximise his return or at least reduce his losses to the lowest possible level.

I have no problem with people posting their opinions about the merits of the various options on the table as long they make it clear it is only their opinion.

The Esk has been incorrect on too many things for his opinion to be taken as anything other than an educated guess.

In my opinion I don't think Moshiri can afford another long drawn out sage such as we had with 777. We may not be so lucky next season to avoid relegation and then he loses everything. We are told we need to sell to comply with PSR and we all know that in the present state of limbo we will not be in a position to spend any money worthwhile or none at all.

The nagging fear I have is that Usmanov is still somewhere in the background trying to maintain ownership of the club in some guise until the war in Ukraine is eventually finished.

I'm not mimicking anything.

You've just posted a tirade at me demanding I explain his posts. Why should I?

Thats not true, i wrote this:

"Perhaps you can provide me/us with a reasonable guess on why"

--demanding, no. It was a polite request and seeing as you have no views on those questions but have posted somewhat in his favour it could be misconstrued that as @Drico commented your tongue may be up somewhere.
101% im hoping the quiet ones (MSP) are the winners. I think some are trying to promote themselves (Acap) and boost their own credibility rather than being serious bidders...but who knows.

The only group who would benefit are B&M. Not to mention Esks comments on MSD as well supporting Dell involvement further than a similar Burnley loan.

None of the other groups benefit from leaking that.
I must be a bit thick but I don’t see the benefit of leaking anything. The fact is Moshiri will sell to the one he can get the most money off in the shortest possible time. Fans can have a preference but he won’t be listening. I think everyone will know that.
I would have thought that a mega deal such as this would be conducted with the utmost secrecy. Every bid will have to contain a level of both borrowing and equity and Moshiri will be looking to maximise his return or at least reduce his losses to the lowest possible level.

I have no problem with people posting their opinions about the merits of the various options on the table as long they make it clear it is only their opinion.

The Esk has been incorrect on too many things for his opinion to be taken as anything other than an educated guess.

In my opinion I don't think Moshiri can afford another long drawn out sage such as we had with 777. We may not be so lucky next season to avoid relegation and then he loses everything. We are told we need to sell to comply with PSR and we all know that in the present state of limbo we will not be in a position to spend any money worthwhile or none at all.

The nagging fear I have is that Usmanov is still somewhere in the background trying to maintain ownership of the club in some guise until the war in Ukraine is eventually finished.

na no way usmanov is mate.

but if we have to “sell by the end of the month”

it would be ideal to know who owns us ( of label) before hand to then know IF we have to sell and how much for who we can buy etc

Thats not true, i wrote this:

"Perhaps you can provide me/us with a reasonable guess on why"

--demanding, no. It was a polite request and seeing as you have no views on those questions but have posted somewhat in his favour it could be misconstrued that as @Drico commented your tongue may be up somewhere.

I'm not going to go explaining point by point the posts, social media entries or podcasts of someone else.

I've simply said let people speak and share their views. Not as you're doing.
I know. His press releases are useless as well.

If you read what he did to the FAB they limited it to three people online meeting not in person. With it rearranged about 5 times.

He's a board member. Technically head of the board and he's acting like this.


he’s not assed. but if he wants out like he does

sell to who’s got that most money he’s not assed about the club

and he needs to hurry the f up about it as we’re in limbo
So you’re just guessing then? It could be literally anyone. The fact the story started with the idea Michael Dell was behind the bid shows it didn’t come from the horses mouth.
The leak will have been Bell and Downing making bid, “backed” by MSD Partners. Then just leave the media and the masses to make up the rest about Mr Dell himself already dishing out laptops at Finch Farm. Coupled with a not very cryptic tweet from you know who about what a day of wonderful news it had been etc etc etc. Business people playing with the media, media playing with the fans, then egotists running alongside this insinuating they know more than everyone else. Ad infinitum. Turn a blind eye.
he’s not assed. but if he wants out like he does

sell to who’s got that most money he’s not assed about the club

and he needs to hurry the f up about it as we’re in limbo

Aye. It is appalling

His claim 777 Partners would be best for the future of the club. Scandalous really.

He's messed up his own investment.

Kenwright being kept on. Plus all the rest of the terrible decisions

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