This guy is probably the best one out of the bids that were made though. He has money, previous experience and wants to move forward in regards to where football is concerned. I think under him we can put to bed any notion of anymore of the sentimental fc rubbish that has strangled this club for years and (imo) would have continued under the likes of Bell and Downing. MSP don't want us and I have never understood their involvement, they are clearly hankering after Spurs and are prepared to sit it out (they will have a long wait from what I hear) The Vici bid was unknown and shrouded in mystery also the two guys behind Vici have been involved with more companies than most people have had hot meals. Also the Manoukian bid seemed a bit too good to be true, initial money upfront which was great but what about afterwards? Also they are all tech guys which probably means it would be crypto/NFT everything. Sorry not for me.
I think we are making the right choice.