Why did they have to run on the pitch

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I have to say that I find this reaction to fans running on the field most unsavoury and indicative of the contempt with which most in football hold supporters.

So they ran onto the field, so what? They were happy. Are players so cosseted now that they are incapable of celebrating with men that have probably travelled a bloody long way to see them play?

The fan that gave Dida the bird last year. What's the big deal? He was having a bit of fun, yet was treated like a common criminal. There seems a vast disparity across so many sports. I remember a few weeks ago there was a fight in a rugby match near the terraces and a fan came down and whacked one of the players with his program. A program. He gets banned for several months, the two players knocking ten bells out of each other with their fists get a few weeks. WTF??

Come on here. Things like the White Horse final are remembered because of the jubilation. It wasn't long ago that crowds coming onto the pitch in celebration was an accepted part of the game. I can't recall many (if any) incidents of pitch invasions causing injury to players, so what's the problem?

Excellent post BW!
I'd like to agree with most of what you're saying Bruce, but the fact is, they dont even want people on the pitch when you're doing a stadium tour. Also, if they dont come down hard on some incidents then it could lead to more and maybe even worse offenses.

I remember I used to go to lots and lots of cricket matches and we'd always run on to the field to celebrate, those were the days :)
Might lead to more incidents? Nonsense. Back in the days when pitch invasions were part and parcel of the game they weren't happening every week. There is a general move by the powers that be to suck all the atmosphere out of football and this is part of it.
Years ago when I was but a mere lad i was described by Kenneth Wolstenholm as being a disruptive thug, he'd never seen the likes before and never wanted to see such behaviour again, what was my friends and I guilty of, running on the pitch to celebrate a Tranmere equaliser against Chelsea at Prenton Park. The MOTD cameras turned up at the last minute as most games in the country had been postponed. Prenton Park was packed to rafters, the atmosphere electric and we lads got carried away, naturally. Incidentally the police never tried to stop us going on or coming off because they celebarted as well such was society in those days.

The next time he saw me on a pitch was little old me celebrating our 1962/63 championship but there were so many on the park that he never noticed:lol::lol::lol:

Football is all about passion, take that away and the game will suffer(n)

I'd like to agree with most of what you're saying Bruce, but the fact is, they dont even want people on the pitch when you're doing a stadium tour. Also, if they dont come down hard on some incidents then it could lead to more and maybe even worse offenses.

I remember I used to go to lots and lots of cricket matches and we'd always run on to the field to celebrate, those were the days :)

I just think people need to lighten up a bit because we're in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water. Take streakers for instance. They're a daft lot for sure, but they're harmless enough. Someone does it on tv though and they're treated most earnestly. Have a laugh at the plonker. The Celtic guy was over joyed at his team scoring, he wasn't out to do harm, give me a break.

I know football has nothing whatsoever to do with fans any more and that clubs are generally only interested in us when they can get money from our pockets but this attitude of 'them and us' if left to fester will do irreperable damage to the game.

Anyway, to contribute to the light tone.


You say that you want a fellow Blue caught up in a disaster, you align yourself with Boris Johnson. Laughable. Fair enough. There is no arguing with you. I have never been so ashamed of a fellow Blue before and as such I will be reporting your IP address with your accusations of murder by the Liverpool fans. If GOT don't take action on this then I go as far as reporting your threads to LFC. If it means that I am not welcome on this forum again then so be it but at least I will have done well by every well proper EFC fan. You are a disgrace Suits

well said mate(y)
since i started reading on this site, i have been very happy about the adult languange and the good tone between the writers, and the mature discussions. But i do not know what has happened to a few people, even the discussions with the Brann fans is way out of porportions. Please use a proper language, we ain´t the Kopites who see everything thru their spanish eyes. I feel ashame og some of the things written here lately. There are other forums for that.
Excellent post BW!

I have to say that I find this reaction to fans running on the field most unsavoury and indicative of the contempt with which most in football hold supporters.

So they ran onto the field, so what? They were happy. Are players so cosseted now that they are incapable of celebrating with men that have probably travelled a bloody long way to see them play?

The fan that gave Dida the bird last year. What's the big deal? He was having a bit of fun, yet was treated like a common criminal. There seems a vast disparity across so many sports. I remember a few weeks ago there was a fight in a rugby match near the terraces and a fan came down and whacked one of the players with his program. A program. He gets banned for several months, the two players knocking ten bells out of each other with their fists get a few weeks. WTF??

Come on here. Things like the White Horse final are remembered because of the jubilation. It wasn't long ago that crowds coming onto the pitch in celebration was an accepted part of the game. I can't recall many (if any) incidents of pitch invasions causing injury to players, so what's the problem?

Absolutley agree, the invasion was led by a 10 year old..Hardly the work of a Cat C hooligan..

They shook a few hands with the players..Big deal!!

I can't be doing with this holier than thou hypocrisy..I remember Mark Bosnich taking terrible stick at ours, and eventually after holding us to a 0-0 draw he turned round and gave us the finger..I just laughed..Good on him, but loads saw it fit to report him, despite the fact they had been f'ing and blinding in front of their own children for the full 45 mins.

As for the ball, the posts on here have been verging on hysteria..One knob threw it..It might have been a pissed up Evertonian with a [Poor language removed] aim..We don't know.
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Absolutley agree, the invasion was led by a 10 year old..Hardly the work of a Cat C hooligan..

They shook a few hands with the players..Big deal!!

I can't be doing with this holier than thou hypocrisy..I remember Mark Bosnich taking terrible stick at ours, and eventually after holding us to a 0-0 draw he turned round and gave us the finger..I just laughed..Good on him, but loads saw it fit to report him, despite the fact they had been f'ing and blinding in front of their own children for the full 45 mins.

As for the ball, the posts on here have been verging on hysteria..One knob threw it..It might have been a pissed up Evertonian with a [Poor language removed] aim..We don't know.

Shandy Andy VDM??

Most qualified pissed blue with a bad aim I have seen for a while.

Cant believe it! You actually responded to erm doh. Tomorow I will be reporting you for calling LFC supporters murderers. I have many friends who are LFC supporters as many Blues do. To call them murderers is preposterous. This puts all Blues in a bad light. Hillsborough was an accident. There were many people to blame but there were no murderers. Your attitude tonight has been unbelievable. I have had private messages from GOT to ignore you but for me this is not enough. If you believe LFC supporters to be murderers then I will be glad to highlight this to LFC and EFC as this would make sure that you pay for slanderous thoughts. Keep going with your ignorance.

report me, write a letter, take a picture, i dont give a [Poor language removed].

get the clubs involved (hahahaha you sad noob.) kopites like you are utter scum, and dont like a taste of your own medicine.

you say hillsborough was an accident, thats a climb down isnt it.

whoever sent you the PM's, tell them to cock off from me. "la".

and how you intend on making me pay for my thoughts is yet more comedy gold.

25 incidents in europe in four years. worst record there is.

you going to start crying about 'justice' now?
Might lead to more incidents? Nonsense. Back in the days when pitch invasions were part and parcel of the game they weren't happening every week. There is a general move by the powers that be to suck all the atmosphere out of football and this is part of it.

It's nice to hear english fans also talking about stuff like that, because it just seems like english supporters has accepted all this.
It's nice to hear english fans also talking about stuff like that, because it just seems like english supporters has accepted all this.

We did bring a lot of trouble on ourselves, 1908Bergen, which led to so much of the control exerted over the gameday.

Before anybody starts on the RS topic, I mean in general, with behaviour at matches in the 70s where it was usual to see rival fans getting a kicking in the side enclosures or some of the away ends (Upton Park, for example), having darts flying through the air and a general acceptance of an atmosphere of violence.

There's still a certain nastiness about - often to do with the England team abroad these days - but in general supporters' behaviour has improved to the extent where you can get a 48 hours like there was in Nürnberg earlier on with supporters mingling and drinking with hardly a word said out of place. You have more problems on a stag night in Riga than most away matches these days.

The downside has been that the atmosphere has declined over the years, apart from matches where a grudge or prestige is involved. Like it or not or approve of it or not, there was nothing like the atmosphere in a standing stadium where it was kicking off in the 70s.

You often hear continental supporters surprised at the English support these days, but that is partly because many countries have an organised fan culture. I watched Hamburg and Zürich last night and you could hear the fans singing all the way through. But if you knew what you were listening to, you would know that it was all organised by five fat [Poor language removed] with a back-up of drums and trumpets and a few megaphones, and a herd of followers.

That (to me) is manufactured atmosphere, not a genuine one. A real one will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. A good example is the clip of Duncan Ferguson's goal against Utd. on youtube. It doesn't happen all the time and you can have games where you can hear the players shouting, but when it does, it is what makes our football special.

Be interesting to hear your views after the game at Goodison.

It's nice to hear english fans also talking about stuff like that, because it just seems like english supporters has accepted all this.

I haven't, but in general we have to because the football powers are [Poor language removed] scared of the money being pulled,the slightest infringement or blot on the "Sky" era image of football..So it's don't stand up..You'll be ejected and be banned..Dont swear..You'll be ejected and banned...Dont run on the pitch you'll be shown in every paper in the land and hunted down an disgraced like some [Poor language removed] paedo...Don't travel without a ticket, or independently..We want you to pay our rip off club package prices..

When we were in Amsterdam we were approached by undercover Merseyside Police who told us not to even get on the train to Alkmaar if we didn't have a ticket. A [Poor language removed] disgrace. We are all in our early 40's, probably earning and doing a lot better than those undercover cops, and they spoke to us like scum. I said if I want to visit the [Poor language removed] cheese museum in Alkmaar I have every right to do so and you can't stop me unless I have done something wrong. I am a British citizen enjoying the hospitality of another country, and not just here for the football..Anyway that's by the by..But you get the general message :lol:
I have to say that I find this reaction to fans running on the field most unsavoury and indicative of the contempt with which most in football hold supporters.

So they ran onto the field, so what? They were happy. Are players so cosseted now that they are incapable of celebrating with men that have probably travelled a bloody long way to see them play?

The fan that gave Dida the bird last year. What's the big deal? He was having a bit of fun, yet was treated like a common criminal. There seems a vast disparity across so many sports. I remember a few weeks ago there was a fight in a rugby match near the terraces and a fan came down and whacked one of the players with his program. A program. He gets banned for several months, the two players knocking ten bells out of each other with their fists get a few weeks. WTF??

Come on here. Things like the White Horse final are remembered because of the jubilation. It wasn't long ago that crowds coming onto the pitch in celebration was an accepted part of the game. I can't recall many (if any) incidents of pitch invasions causing injury to players, so what's the problem?

I tend to agree with this Bruce.

And as an American supporter, I don't quite understand what all the hubbub is about.

Quite often, especially in college basketball, we'll have the fans run out on to the court if there's a big upset (top ranked team gets beat by much lower or non ranked team) and celebrate. Then everyone goes home. We don't have field/court invasions all the time but they do happen every so often after college basketball and college gridiron football games.

I'm guessing that pitch invasions and how they're looked down upon have to do with the history in the game and fan violence back in the past correct? That could be the ignorant American in me but I'm honest when I tell you that I can't think of another reason. Yeah, sure you don't want it to happen after every match but I don't see it happening after every match.

When I saw the Everton fans run out on to the Brann pitch after the match, at first, I didn't think anything of it, especially as the TV camera was trained on this young girl trying to get Cahill to give her his shirt.

Then, when I saw Neville's reaction, I was like, "Oh yeah, they aren't supposed to do that over there." Can anyone fill in the blanks for me as I'm sure I'm missing something here. Thank you in advance.

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