Why did they have to run on the pitch

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Part of the problem with European matches has to do with other countries these days, TXBill, where supporters in some countries have attacked match officials, players or exerted undue influence on match proceedings. So that's certainly part of the reason why UEFA is so strict.
Part of the problem with European matches has to do with other countries these days, TXBill, where supporters in some countries have attacked match officials, players or exerted undue influence on match proceedings. So that's certainly part of the reason why UEFA is so strict.

Well that's what I kind of figured.

Primarily for player and match official safety. I also understand that the atmosphere for a soccer match in Turkey between say Galatasaray and Besiktas would be just a bit different than a USA college football game between Notre Dame and Michigan.

But just by a little...:D
the eightball didn't hit him, it just went over his head. But the media is writing about it, and Brann is trying to find the man who did it. I'm glad it missed him, if he had been struck by that ball he would have gone down, and Brann and our fans would have been in serious trouble, I guess that we would have lost our chanse to play Champions League later this year, cause we would have been banned. Brann is talking about hanging up a net infront of our terrace, because of insidents like the one against Everton. But nobody ever trew a dangerous item like a pool ball before.

And to atrottel and GruffEFC, I understand what you are saying. It can't be easy, and the thing with that auto pilot atmosphere is so true. We don't have any of that in Bergen either, no drums, no megaphones or capos. we don't need it, because the whoe stadium sings along when there is happy times, and we have a whole short side who supports Brann all the time, but it all depends on what is going on at the pitch (we have a few songs we can sing when the team is playing [Poor language removed] too). But the atmosphere all depends on how the team is preforming.
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I tend to agree with this Bruce.

And as an American supporter, I don't quite understand what all the hubbub is about.

Quite often, especially in college basketball, we'll have the fans run out on to the court if there's a big upset (top ranked team gets beat by much lower or non ranked team) and celebrate. Then everyone goes home. We don't have field/court invasions all the time but they do happen every so often after college basketball and college gridiron football games.

I'm guessing that pitch invasions and how they're looked down upon have to do with the history in the game and fan violence back in the past correct? That could be the ignorant American in me but I'm honest when I tell you that I can't think of another reason. Yeah, sure you don't want it to happen after every match but I don't see it happening after every match.

When I saw the Everton fans run out on to the Brann pitch after the match, at first, I didn't think anything of it, especially as the TV camera was trained on this young girl trying to get Cahill to give her his shirt.

Then, when I saw Neville's reaction, I was like, "Oh yeah, they aren't supposed to do that over there." Can anyone fill in the blanks for me as I'm sure I'm missing something here. Thank you in advance.

It doesnt really matter what we think - only what UEFA make of pitch 'invasions'. They can't have one rule for 'nice' well behaved supporters who run onto the pitch and one for knife yielding maniacs can they? so, we are all tarred with the same brush.
Evertonians have done nothing to disgrace the club so far but if we do step out of line UEFA will jump on the chance to have a go, as will the LFC media bias in the UK.
There's also a safety issue to consider.
On Wednesday night as those people scrambled over the barriers to get onto the pitch, they shoved people all over the place to get through.
IF someone had fallen, or the barrier had fallen, we could have had a few people getting trampled on with resulting injuries and then all the hoo haa in the reports etc.

It's not the running onto the pitch that was the real problem but what people did to get themselves in that position that caused the main concern on Wednesday night for me anyway.

It doesnt really matter what we think - only what UEFA make of pitch 'invasions'. They can't have one rule for 'nice' well behaved supporters who run onto the pitch and one for knife yielding maniacs can they? so, we are all tarred with the same brush.
Evertonians have done nothing to disgrace the club so far but if we do step out of line UEFA will jump on the chance to have a go, as will the LFC media bias in the UK.
There's also a safety issue to consider.
On Wednesday night as those people scrambled over the barriers to get onto the pitch, they shoved people all over the place to get through.
IF someone had fallen, or the barrier had fallen, we could have had a few people getting trampled on with resulting injuries and then all the hoo haa in the reports etc.

It's not the running onto the pitch that was the real problem but what people did to get themselves in that position that caused the main concern on Wednesday night for me anyway.

From what I've seen Lass it appeared that they were already in the front by the barrier in the first place. It is true to say in this day and age we all know what the rules are, like them or hate them. From what you say it could well be more than a spare of the moment thing either way I hope they haven't dropped us in it.

1908 Bergen quite honestly you are fortunate that the ball didn't hit Howard, who ever threw it was trying to maim him so the guilty and intention remain. I have always condemned anyone throwing things at matches, none more so when our odd idiot does it, every club has one but the trouble is some have more than others
From what I've seen Lass it appeared that they were already in the front by the barrier in the first place. It is true to say in this day and age we all know what the rules are, like them or hate them. From what you say it could well be more than a spare of the moment thing either way I hope they haven't dropped us in it.

1908 Bergen quite honestly you are fortunate that the ball didn't hit Howard, who ever threw it was trying to maim him so the guilty and intention remain. I have always condemned anyone throwing things at matches, none more so when our odd idiot does it, every club has one but the trouble is some have more than others

Yes, Monty some were near the front by the barriers but two older guys near me practically up ended a couple of youngsters to get to the front and climb over the barrier, pushing aside anyone in their path.

We know the rules, we know we shouldnt run onto the pitch (or throw billiard balls) but still some people feel that the rules don't apply to them.
I just hate to see the good name of my beloved team being brought down to the same level as that lot over the park.

Again, it's about safety. How many times have the police been blamed for Hillsborough and how many times have people said 'ah yes but the RS supporters were pushing and behaving like idiots, they brought it on themselves'....
God forbid, I'm not suggesting that Wednesday night's antics could have caused another disaster BUT the silly behaviour of a small minority of Blues did create a few problems.
You can think I'm a miserable old biddy if you want (I can assure you I'm not) but there were times when I was just a bit ashamed of some of the behaviour I saw.
Make no mistake, the Italian police (if we go there) wil batter first and ask questions later. I lived near Florence for many years, my father was from a village nearby and I know what the police and the fans are like. There will be no nicey nicey stuff, just water canons and big dogs as well as big sticks!

Benvenuto a Firenze!
Yes, Monty some were near the front by the barriers but two older guys near me practically up ended a couple of youngsters to get to the front and climb over the barrier, pushing aside anyone in their path.

We know the rules, we know we shouldnt run onto the pitch (or throw billiard balls) but still some people feel that the rules don't apply to them.
I just hate to see the good name of my beloved team being brought down to the same level as that lot over the park.

Again, it's about safety. How many times have the police been blamed for Hillsborough and how many times have people said 'ah yes but the RS supporters were pushing and behaving like idiots, they brought it on themselves'....
God forbid, I'm not suggesting that Wednesday night's antics could have caused another disaster BUT the silly behaviour of a small minority of Blues did create a few problems.
You can think I'm a miserable old biddy if you want (I can assure you I'm not) but there were times when I was just a bit ashamed of some of the behaviour I saw.
Make no mistake, the Italian police (if we go there) wil batter first and ask questions later. I lived near Florence for many years, my father was from a village nearby and I know what the police and the fans are like. There will be no nicey nicey stuff, just water canons and big dogs as well as big sticks!

Benvenuto a Firenze!

After what some low life chanted in Blackburn Lass nothing surprises me any more(n)
at the front

have to admit i was standing in the corner after spending most of the game in the opposite corner in their main stand, it all seemed to be good humoured and the police seemed to take it that way, i was hoisted up onto the barrier by some blokes to hold up a banner as they said they were far too old to get up there, the local coppers were saying get down & the local tv crew were telling us to get the banner up so they could film us. before the end they were taking the dogs away as they could see everyone was getting over-excited but not in a violent way, if they thought it was getting threatening i reckon they would've done the opposite and brought in more mutts, they all seemed to take everything in good humour and i'm sure they can tell the difference between fans out for a laugh and nutters (they have had partizan belgrade there this season), after saying all this though they should've stayed off the pitch, kids running on is 1 thing but their grandads should have known better.
have to admit i was standing in the corner after spending most of the game in the opposite corner in their main stand, it all seemed to be good humoured and the police seemed to take it that way, i was hoisted up onto the barrier by some blokes to hold up a banner as they said they were far too old to get up there, the local coppers were saying get down & the local tv crew were telling us to get the banner up so they could film us. before the end they were taking the dogs away as they could see everyone was getting over-excited but not in a violent way, if they thought it was getting threatening i reckon they would've done the opposite and brought in more mutts, they all seemed to take everything in good humour and i'm sure they can tell the difference between fans out for a laugh and nutters (they have had partizan belgrade there this season), after saying all this though they should've stayed off the pitch, kids running on is 1 thing but their grandads should have known better.

I was in that corner too for a while but moved away while they were faffing around with the barriers because people were shoving and pushing and being a short arse, I was getting a bit stressed!. I've got some pics of the police dogs sitting on the flags too.
The police were great with everyone except those who got a bit gobby. What I was saying before is that the Italian police are different from what we encountered last week so there'll be no messing with them.

No it was Dinamo Zagreb and the Bad Blue Boys. Nutters! But nothing compared to what the Hamburger SV supporters did:


The old bill doesnt do anything, they just watch. But there have been inscidents where they have become voilent, but not in a long time. If we had done the same as you we would have been fined, and most likely banned also. Alot of Brann fans are pissed of because away fans can do what ever they like while we have extra cctv at our stands, we have more police, and we get both fined and banned if we do something thats not allowed.
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pitch invasions

be interesting to see what the culture secretary has to say about the pitch invasion after admitting on the club website that he had done it, and unlike when he owned up to having a crafty smoke he never said that he didn't enjoy it !!!
german humour?

just watched the hamburg vids,i like the 1 in the square, i was just thinking how unusual ....germans with a sense of humour, then i realised they were indulging in 1 of their favourite past-times ,just didn't realise that they had given up the goosestepping (must have been monty python that made them realise they looked like nob'eds).
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