Just returned/saved the life of a mouse to my garden after my cat brought home its supper.
Currently got house sparrows nesting under the eaves and tree sparrows using the net box. These pics from today.Sparrows have been on a horrific decline. I learned recently that they rarely travel more than 20m from their nesting site. With the human obsession of ripping up nature to pursue the acquisition of money from others .... Sorry... With the human drive for development, its hardly surprising they're dwindling. Sounds like if their homes go then there's little chance of them finding a new breeding ground.
Currently got house sparrows nesting under the eaves and tree sparrows using the net box. These pics from today.
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I could be wrong, but I think those pics at the nest box are of House Sparrows mate - Tree Sparrows wouldn`t come near the house, as they`re quite shy and prefer to stay in and around tree cover.
If you put more nest boxes with same diameter hole, next to each other more Sparrows will move in mate.
You can get ready made ones online. Some are almost like hotels as they have that many nest chambers.
They`re really social and live in little loose family groups. The first brood, will help out with the second brood etc.
I put loads of Sparrow nest boxes on my mates barn wall in East Yorks and in a matter of days they were all occupied.
They`re lovely little birds.
Trust me, they are definitely tree sparrows mate. (brown cap and black cheek patches, both male and female)
House sparrow, only males have a cap and it's grey, also house sparrows don't have the cheek patch.
see here - https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/2018/07/house-sparrow-tree-sparrow/
I stand corrected
Only ever seen them in the countryside or woodland, never ever seen them around houses before.
Bit too close to the house for my liking lol Beautiful creatures though.False widow spider
Topped off a rubbish day finding that, afraid as I have two young children the spider is no longer with us...
Cutting through my phone line whilst cutting back the ivy on the front of the house.
Then to add insult to injury my 7 year old daughter knocked my GOT bottle opener off the fridge and broke it, can’t be too cross she just wanted to listen to z cars.