Player Valuation: £70m
Seems to have attitude too...You've posted a big thread on dating. It's barely secret information that I would've had to been on here years to know.
Seems to have attitude too...You've posted a big thread on dating. It's barely secret information that I would've had to been on here years to know.
Agreed.Yer mars rat is a big gruesome thing
Horseshoe whip snakes don't sound friendly.I chopped down my orange trees about five years ago and let it go back to the wild,real result,I've seen boar,stoats,hoopoes,collared doves,ladder and horseshoe whip snakes,rabbit,foxes.All without really looking too hard.Lucky to live here:
I should invest in a night camera really.
As I live in an apartment block 20km from Brisbane (like Lythan St Annes but not, sort of coastal burbs...if youre really keen to see google margate parade / Mabel St, Margate Qld) I count the beach as my garden, so all sorts of marine stuff from Whales down, Dolphins, manta rays, turtles, carpet sharks, pelicans, various assorted cockatiels and parrots, different types of hawks/raptors.I was just cutting the lawn in my back garden and a frog jumped out and hopped to the border. It got me thinking about the creatures i’ve seen in my garden.
I live in West Derby which is a suburb of Liverpool and i’ve been in this house for over 30 years. I reckon i’ve witnessed;
- general British garden birds, but more unusually I have seen quite a few hawks and a heron. I’ve also observed Hedgehogs, squirrels, a rat, a dead field mouse, cats, frogs, dogs and next doors tortoise.
There is so much geographical diversity on here, not just in the U.K. but across the globe and I thought it would be a fascinating insight to see what wildlife others get visiting their gardens. I recall @LinekersLegs mentioning deers in her California garden, I wonder if @TheFinnFan truly sees seal cubs and I dread to think what our Aussie friends witness!!!
So where do you live and what creatures do you see?
Like most animals they're ok if you leave them alone,they sometime hibernate in peoples log piles and as a lot of the older Valencians have a phobia of snakes it often ends badly.Saying that I did walk past one on a forest trail last year and even though I gave it plenty of room it still had a go.Horseshoe whip snakes don't sound friendly.
We have every kind of tit.
your not a scouser then mush?
we got one in charge of Everton...
The missus is mad about birds (literally mad. Not a day goes by without a conversation about a new improved bird feeder. We're currently up to around 12 all with a flaw necessitating another purchase).
We have a big garden backing onto a field with a small river about 300m beyond. There's a big fence to keep the dog in and rabbits, deer and cattle out. Sadly it means we don't see hedgehogs.
In the garden we have rabbits, grass snakes, sparrows* (an entire city), sparrow hawks, blackbirds, robins , green and lesser spotted woodpeckers, crows, goldfinches, squirrels, buzzards, rats (so many rats; good lord more rats than anfield - largely due to the bird food everywhere and chickens), collared doves oh and so many tits. We have every kind of tit.
And there was a pigeon once.
*my favourite bird by far