slower than Guyue and crashes more than Gibbo's hamstring.
The worst thing is that it can't be uninstalled.
slower than Guyue and crashes more than Gibbo's hamstring.
I take it people know what the difference is between an OEM version and a retail version of Windows 10?
I genuinely haven't got a clue what your talking about mate. All I know is I bought a new laptop with windows 10 already installed, and Microsoft edge is totally crap on it.
You've probably then got an OEM version.
OEM versions are tied to the motherboard typically. You can't transfer it to other machines without permission from Microsoft. Nor replace the motherboard for the same reasons. That means if the computer fails that it can cause a few issues.
Retail versions mean you can move the OS to whatever machine you want. You just can only have it installed on one machine. Its yours forever.
OEM version is available to buy and is cheaper. But has risks.
Retail versions are yours for life almost.
To address your specific post mate.
I don't use ME. As I like Chrome and find it much better for my needs.
You can still use Internet Explorer (if you really have to) on Windows 10. Click on the windows symbol at the bottom left of the screen and then type Internet Explorer and the name of the programme should appear. Open it and then pin it to the taskbar.I genuinely haven't got a clue what your talking about mate. All I know is I bought a new laptop with windows 10 already installed, and Microsoft edge is totally crap on it.
Someone else mentioned chrome, so how do I go about downloading that? As you can probably tell, I'm a bit of a tit when it comes down to technology!
Just do a websearch for it.
Microsoft have removed the 'choice' thing that the European Commission forced them to include in previous versions (neglected to - probably intentionally) that allowed you to choose which browser you were using. Microsoft trying every trick in the book.
Install it and away you go.
You can still use Internet Explorer (if you really have to) on Windows 10. Click on the windows symbol at the bottom left of the screen and then type Internet Explorer and the name of the programme should appear. Open it and then pin it to the taskbar.